Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Countdown to Adventure #3 Review

Written by Adam Beechen and Justin Gray
Art by Eddy Barrows and Julio Ferreiro and Fabrizio Fiorentino

This was probably the weakest outing from Adventure. Most of the Starfire / Animal Man / Strange story felt like filler. Everyone is going insane from the Lady Styx virus, but still no explanation for it. Aliens are still coming to purge Earth of it. Rann is still rioting, similar to Earth. We're exactly where we were last issue for all intents and purposes.

On the Forerunner side of things, we get to see the magic based Earth-33. Always cool to see these alternate versions of our heroes and it was interesting to see Forerunner's first actual loss in battle. Only problem is with the introduction of the Dark Angel villain as she just shows up as the Oracle out of no where with practically no build up whatsoever. Hopefully next issue will give us some background info.

Verdict - Check It

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