Friday, October 19, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 10/17/07

This was a great week for comics and I was very satisfied with just about everything I purchased. While not as many as previous week's, there were still a lot of great moments for this week's Comic Book Moments of the Week. From the emotional conclusion to Catwoman's baby storyline in Catwoman #72 to the comical Mighty Avengers #5 video game reference, this was a very solid week with a nice variety of moments to choose from. Hit the jump for these moments and more!


Green Lantern #24

"Beware...MICHIGAN's LIGHT!"

I completely missed this last week when I first read through Green Lantern #24. Going through it again, I came across this humourous Easter egg on Guy's lantern. Looks like someone's a Wolverine fan.

Birds of Prey #111

"There are no women on the internet."

Hellhound makes an excellent argument as to why Babs is most likely not the real Oracle. Obviously, Oracle's a guy based on how many hot chicks he hires.

Fables #66

"Crouching Tiger, Dead Bluebird"

Bluebeard loses his body...again. The lesson of this fable? Don't follow hungry tigers into the woods alone and unarmed.

Countdown #28

"At least I don't dress like an owl."

I found this scene in this week's Countdown to be pretty funny. Super breath is a rather retarded power. It was a pretty dynamic entrance for the return of the Crime Society too. I honestly thought we'd never see them again until Countdown Arena or Final Crisis.

Marvel Zombies 2 #1 (of 5)

"Thirsty Prune Chin?"

Zombie Hulk is probably my favourite incarnation of the Hulk. This scene (and the next moment) combined with his using the Necronomicon as toilet paper in the last Zombies series are some of my favourite scenes to come out of this fad.

"Have some prune juice!"

Poor Thanos. After dying in Annihilation, I thought we'd get to see more of him based on his appearance in the Zombies 2 previews. Why couldn't they kill Gladiator for the random zombie death? No one likes him!

"Hank? Is that you?"

With all the broo-hah over the Tigra beatdown that has been engulfing the internet forums of late, I'm surprised no one brought up yet another Hank Pym-like pimp slap on poor Wasp. It was the first thing I thought of when I saw these panels.

Captain America #31

"Heil Hitler!"

This looks like some 'shopped image of a random Captain America panel, but it is in fact from this week's Cap issue. I don't know why, but it makes me laugh every time I see this image of the 'evil Nazi' Cap.

Marvel Comics Presents #2

"Plastic Man was taken."

I enjoyed the entire dialogue between Reed and Stacy Dolan in this Vanguard tale. Loved the Plastic Man and Mr Fantastic naming jokes they're exchanging.

"I'm sorry, but Hellcat can't come to the phone right now..."

These split personalities of Hellcat are pretty funny. This costumed version's reaction to the telephone makes me wonder if this is a Hellcat that was dropped on her head as a baby or something. The other versions are a little smarter than this one.

Suburban Glamour #1 (of 4)

"Dear Tony, what is myspace?"

I'm sure we all know a girl like Astrid here that spends more time refreshing MySpace or Facebook than actually talking to people.

"Smooth Dave. Very smooth."

Dave exchanges good byes with the girl he likes after a night of underaged drinking. Should have asked for her number first though.

Justice League of America #14

"Too much info Mr. J."

Does Harley Quinn know about Joker's family fun activites? Luthor manages to take this Joker "joke" in stride, which probably says a whole lot about his after hours activities...

The Mighty Avengers #5

"Commodore 64"

Go. Get. Need. This was probably the best part of this week's Mighty Avengers.

Catwoman #72


This double spread does not do this issue of Catwoman justice, but I had to share it with you anyways, as it was excellently executed and one of the most heartfelt scenes I've read in a long time. Even without all the build up present, these still make a great moment for me.

Death of the New Gods #1 (of 8)

"Bob? Is that you?"

Aside from the great splash page of Darkseid in his pimping new cape and Anti-Life Equation rings, I wanted to point out the circled figure in the bottom left. Is that a Monitor working for Darkseid? Sure looks like one to me...

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Anonymous said...

Wait...isn't Guy Gardner originally from Michigan? that would probably explain it...

Kirk Warren said...

Ya, he was, I was trying to make a joke about it. I suppose I failed. =(

Matthew said...

A Commodore joke, the Sentry and Ms Marvel doing heroic stuff all in one issue? It seems Marvel have finally begun writing comics just for me.

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