Friday, October 12, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 10/10/07

It's that time of week again folks. Comic Book Moments of the Week is back at you after an excellent week of comics, which you read all about in my Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews. This week saw a rather lengthy list of moments and there were even more I had to leave out as I was afraid it was getting too long as it is. Without further ado, hit the jump for all the glorious Comic Book Moments of the Week.



"The DiDio Corps Strikes Again"

Just as Countdown starts to do something right and introduces a great new character, DC decides to kill him off in this rather lackluster and unnecesary death of the Jokester. He's been here for like 2 issues and just had this big origin special in the Search for Ray Palmer. What purpose does this death serve? Is it just another random death that DC thinks we should care about? If they were going to kill him, they could have at least let him go out saving Jason Todd or have some kind of mirroring of Jason's death where an evil Batman beats Jokester to death with a crowbar or something.

WWH: FRONTLINE #5 (of 6)

"10 Reasons To Hate Sally Floyd"

As if I needed more reasons to hate this character. Paul Jenkins manages to poke fun at his own work with pretty much the only redeemable thing in the entire WWH: Frontline series in this humorous Sally Floyd piece.


"See A Penny, Pick It Up..."

Then throw a little girl into the oncoming subway train! Doesn't have the same ring to it as the original rhyme, but Layla makes it work here.


"Booster And His Sidekick Tonto"

Why does Skeets have his own horse? Sure, Skeets can fly, but I assume they need to keep a low profile. Obviously a hovering, talking robot riding a horse is much less conspicuous. Just one of many hilarious moments in this week's Booster Gold.

"Super Dickery At Its Finiest"

A drunk Booster Gold relates to Skeets how he once had a cape before Superman basically told him he wasn't cut out to have one and took it from him.

"Don't Drink And Time Travel"

Coming back from his successful, and drunken, adventure, Booster Gold proceeds to rear-end Flash and Kid Flash, wrecking their time treadmill in the process. All of time and space and Booster still manages to screw up. Pure gold on Johns part.


"Register. It's The Law."

Even the early 1900's, a steam punk Iron Man-like character enforces registration as Nico fails to show up in his registered catalogue.

"That Word You Use. I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means"

Despite my misgivings with his work on Runaways, Whedon does produce some excellent dialogue this issue and his Molly is spot on in this hilarious scene.



Aside from showing off this incredible Sinestro Corps splash page, I wanted to point out the newest member of the Sinestro Corps. If you look closely between Superboy Prime and Cyborg Superman, you will notice a Predator is now a member of Sinestro's army. I couldn't make out any other cameos, but thought that one was worth sharing.

"Lethal Force Has Been Enabled"

The Green Lantern Corps shows up to give the Sinestro Corps a little update in regards to the status of lethal force and Green Lanterns in this bloody splash page.

"I Shall Call You KylaraHallax"

This is just a badass splash page of the newer, yellower Kylellax after he absorbs Hal Jordan.

"Lean On Me"

A lot of people were confused with the dialogue from John Stewart in this awesome confrontation with Parallax. It's a quote from the 1989 movie, "Lean On Me", where Joe Carter says, "I don't have to do nothin' but stay black and die!". It was a nice response to Parallax telling him to die, but I think "stay green" would have been a much more fitting choice of words, him being a Green Lantern and all that versus a yellow Parallax, but I digress.


"Quick Robin, Hand Me The Bat-Chain-Saw"

Probably the best part of this week's GA&BC was this scene with Batman revving up the ol' chainsaw to chop up Ollie's body for some experiments. Black Canary's reaction is priceless.


"Spider-Man? I'm Sure He Can Figure It Out On His Own"

Here we have the Watcher coming to get Gravity to help save Eternity. While nothing special in and of itself, I thought it was interesting that Uato is able to retcon Gravity's secret identity. Is this how Marvel is going to wrap up the One More Day fiasco with Spider-Man's identity?

ATOMIC ROBO #1 (of 6)

"I Don't Even Know What This One Means"

Atomic Robo debuted this week and was one of the best books I've read in a long time. Here's the first of several awesome, and hilarious, scenes where our hero lands in the German base looking to arrest Baron Heinrich Von Helsingard.

"I'm Comfortable With That"

The German's quickly figure out they can't shoot the tank-like robot. Love the dialogue here when they tell him not to move or they shoot and the follow up from the German's hanging all over him trying to slow him down.


Ze German's are much smarter than they look. With plans like, "Get off and then we shoot him" followed up with the "Everyone get him!", it's a wonder they didn't win the war.

"You Can Call Me Susan If You Like"

Another hilarious exchange here where the Nazi-scientist- turned-meta reveals his only weakness to our hero.

BLACK ADAM #3 (of 6)

"...A Wing And A Prayer"

Black Adam makes excellent use of his recently regained powers here as he, literally, tears through Hawkman in this awesome fight.


"It's A Gun Frank."

A gun, eh? I like guns.

"A Gun That Shoots Swords."

But one that shoots swords? Mother of God. I thought I'd seen it all with Punisher to be honest. Touche, Matt Fraction. Touche.


"We Will Not Negotiate With Terrorists"

Radioactive Man shows off his intellect through his excellent negotiating techniques here by forcing General Ross to cede to his "outrageous" demands.


"Flash - The Slowest Man Alive"

Gigantia tries to work up the courage to ask Flash out, but the guy is clearly not the living up to his moniker as the Fastest Man Alive. Pretty slow on the uptake if you ask me.


"This Makes Me Glad The Nova Corps Was Destroyed"

Screw the Sinestro Corps. Any corps that can boast a Nova Force weilding Pikachu is easily the most evil force in the universe.

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Anonymous said...

Hey just a quick shout out. I really enjoy your reviews every week and they're definitely some of my favourite reviews. Also love the moments of the week feature. Well that's it, just wanted you to know your time is appreciated.

Kirk Warren said...

Thanks for the kind words. I always appreciate it and it's a real motivator knowing people are reading and enjoying my posts.

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