Sunday, October 7, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 10/03/07

Better late than never, here are this week's Comic Book Moments of the Week! It was a relatively slow week in comics with only a few major releases coming out. Several big books were delayed as well, like JSA and Runaways, which further compounded the slow week. Despite that, I think I've still managed to put together a nice collection of moments for everyone this week. So without further a-do, and as I promised yesterday in the Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews, here are your Comic Book Moments of the Week.



"Not A Big Fan Of Clowns"

Jason Todd Batman not a fan of clowns? Really? Who would have thought? Hard to believe, but Countdown managed to have another moment for me this week with this great splash page and the Jokster quips from Batman.


"Will I Dream, Franklin?"

Katie Powers has been shown to be quite the anti-robot racist little girl in most of these Power Pack books. I'd love to see a team up with Aaron Stack, the Machine Man, at some point in the future. Bonus points for a Nextwave characterization of Stack.

"Forced Child-Labour Camps Will Cure All That!"

Taken out of context, this panel is one of the funniest moments this week with Franklin Richards contemplating child-labour camps. For those not reading though, it's actually Dr Doom in Franklin's body. Still, funny none the less.


"Lethal Force Has Been Enabled"

While this little panel isn't so much a big moment like most I list, the reactions of each Lantern are great and it really sets the tone for the upcoming panels that show how they use this new found lethal force.

"Ring Status Report: Sinestro Corps Screwed"

Building on the previous moment, this shows the Lanterns tearing through the Sinestro Corps members now that lethal force has been enabled. I love the different personalities of each character shining through with their various means of killing, like the guns from the ex-soldier Lantern and so on.

"Roast White Lobe - Bake At 425F For 20 Minutes, Let Cool For 5 Minutes and Serve - Feeds 2-4 People"

Even Salakk got in on the lethal force action with this awesome incineration of the White Lobe member attempting to suicide bomb Kilowog.

"Lethal Force Has Been Enabled - Feel Free To Go Crazy"

Sodam Yat seems a little too happy about the switch to lethal force being enabled in this scene. I also liked how Arisia did not want to resort to killing people. Good to see not everyone took the lethal force enabling as a license to kill.

"Madness? This Is DEATH!"

Sodam Yat lives up to his 'Ultimate Green Lantern' tag line with this epic destruction of Ranx.


"Don't Tempt Me"

This was a funny little scene with Jonah and Spider-Man with a nice throwback to the Amazing Fantasy #15 cover thrown in for good measure. Stuff like this is why I love the Marvel Adventures line.


"Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangster"

This was a very cool scene with Ms Marvel killing Puppet Master. I really liked the thought boxes in the second page with the flames at her back.


"Kid Am Be Flying"

Bizarro doesn't seem to like little girls. My guess is the little girl knew about Bizarro's allergies and was attacking him with those flowers.

"Am Not Doomsday"

Don't ask me why there are a bunch of Bizarro Superman's in this scene. This Bizarro arc barely makes sense to me. However, Bizarro Doomsday tearing through several Bizarros is definitely one badass looking scene.

"There's Something Bizarre About This JLA..."

Loved this final splash page with the Bizarro JLA. The fat Flash and Sinestro Green Lantern were nice touches.

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