Written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning
Art by Brian Denham, Sean Chen & Scott Hanna
Another exceptional issue of Nova and Conquest in general. It is quite impressive that this book manages to be entertaining each and every month. For the number of artists on the book as of late, I, at least, figured that the changes between artists would be jarring or pull me out of the story. Yet, each month they manage to provide quality work and they manage to keep the art consistent enough between the group that it is barely noticeable.
The issue picks up from last issue with Ko-Rel, the newly deputized Nova, returning to her ship to find the entire crew slaughtered and Worldmind not responding to any hails, due to Nova being converted to the Phalanx Select by Gamora last issue. While crying over her lost friends, Worldmind blares into her comms system updating her on the situation with Nova. The slow start to the issue and lack of Gamora and Nova had me worried until Worldmind helps Ko-Rel open a stargate and asks her to come find Nova and kill him so that the Worldmind does not fall into the Phalanx hands, as his knowledge and the Nova Force would make them unstoppable.
From here, we get our first glimpse of Drax since Conquest began. I was surprised to see him, as I had not see or heard any spoilers stating he would be appearing any time soon. As he was one of my favourites from the original Annihilation, this was a welcome surprise. Apparently Nova and Gamora decided to track him down and add him to the Phalanx Select, whether he likes it or not. After some brief dialogue, Nova quickly makes short work of the outclassed Drax and they return him to a Phalanx base to become one of the Select. After this, we are given some new information on the Phalanx as Gamora reveals they have been taught by someone outside the Phalanx that individual thought and free will to some degree are needed to be more effective and the Phalanx Select are the result of this. It is our first sign of some greater power guiding the Phalanx and has me pumped for the main Conquest series this Fall.
As Nova and Gamora discuss this, Nova notices a stargate just opened nearby and all of a sudden, Ko-Rel smashes into him at full force, knocking him off the platform. She quickly notices that Nova is far stronger than she is, but with the aid of the Worldmind, evades him and leads him on a chase throughout the city before leading him into a thermal processing core. Here, she crashes him into large vat of magma which serves to take him down momentarily. Under Worldmind's orders, she prepares to try and finish off the dazed Nova before she decides she is no killer and cannot follow through. Unfortunately for her and Worldmind, they did not take into account Gamora was still around and Ko-Rel is stabbed from behind and apparently killed. Her dying words seem to reach Nova through the Phalanx programming, but that is quickly dashed as he crushes the holodisk of Ko-Rel's son and leaves with Gamora.
It was an excellent issue all around. Lots of action with several revelations concerning the Phalanx as well as the return of Drax. I have not read any future previews for this book, so I do not know the fate of Ko-Rel, but hopefully they do not write off the excellent new Nova character. Her death scene was extremely powerful and the entire issue served to build up to it perfectly. Nova is definitely the cream of the crop in terms of the Conquest tie-in books and it even works perfectly on its own. If you enjoy Green Lantern or just plain good superhero books, definitely give this book a try. You will not regret it.
Verdict - Must Read
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