Friday, September 21, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 09/19/07

Before you check out this week's Comic Book Moments of the Week, make sure you are up to date with this week's reviews in Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews! I picked up a huge selection of comics this week and the amount of moments to choose from was staggering. I had difficulty narrowing it to the rather large number featured here. I wasn't sure how well last week's Comic Book Moments of the Week would do, as it was the first time I had done an article like that, but it quickly became the most popular page on my blog. With such success, I'm back this week with even more moments for this week's comics. New X-Men and Marvel Adventures Avengers dominated the moments this week with some hilarious scenes that I'm sure you'll love. Check those out and many more after the jump.

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"$#%^ing Unicorns!"

I added the top left scene in from an earlier page where Wolverine invites Pixie for some training in the Danger Room in New X-Men #42. The rest is the followup as Logan learns to hate those $#%^ing unicorns.

"It's Just a Flesh Wound"

had some great moments in this week's New X-Men and in this scene, she teams up with Santo to try and convince Victor to let her cut his arm off so it will grow back and he can look like an "awesome dragon guy". Of course, the little sissy says no.

No Brain Damage. Good To Know, But...

gets the full scoop on what happened to the non-powered Prodigy in this hilarious clincal description of exactly what happened to him at the hands of Belasco in the The Search for Magik arc last month by X-23.

Is Laura Gonna Have To Gut A Bitch?

After how helpful Laura was earlier in the issue, that bitch Nori decides to steal a kiss from Laura's love interest, Hellion. Looks like Laura's gonna have to gut a bitch for this. It was great to see X-23 show some emotion for someone here and next issue should definitely be interesting.

"PS - What is myspace?"

Captain America #30 was an excellent issue and the final panel showed us what was written on the letter Steve wrote to Tony several issues earlier. It was fairly predictable, but great to see Cap still thought of Tony as a friend and trusted him enough to look after Bucky for him. Great end to a perfect issue.

Looks Like The Ultimate Soldier Forgot His Little Helmet

Captain America proves he still had some juice left in the tank at the ripe old age of 85. Should be interesting to see what happens with baby Cap. Be interesting to see the an American Dream from the MC2 Universe come out of this.

"It's A Trick. Get An Axe."

Endangered Species finally had a good moment this week when Beast and his Age of Apocalypse doppleganger, Dark Beast, decide to play doctor with some Guthrie ex-mutant children. As Beast is speaking with the mother, Dark Beast decides to test some cures on the little boy. When the results are less than desirable, his response is golden. Should be interesting to see how Beast reacts to this next week in ES backup in X-Men.

My Kingdom For Some Pants!

Iron Man can't even catch a break in the Marvel Adventure's universe in this comical scene. Don't worry, he will have his revenge later and this de-pantsing of Iron Man will be the only mistake the Masters of Evil make. Literally.

Jungle Fever

Another great moment in this week's Marvel Adventures: The Avengers #16 shows the new tryout, Hawkeye, getting some...close-quarters training from Storm. The best part is Wolverine hopping on the phone at the end to call Tony and let him know about it.

"My Helmet is Awesome!"

Another scene from MA: Avengers this week features Tony Stark's Mandroids in action under the control of the villains. With such a horrible name, Spidey has to stop mid-battle, even as Wolverine is getting blasted in the background, to call up Tony and make fun of his name choice. Tony's reply reminds me of the Mini-Marvel's Civil War issue when Cap makes fun of his helmet and Tony comes back with, "My helmet is awesome!".

Pants Make The Man

A followup to the Pantless Wonder scene of Tony has him getting his revenge on Starr, I mean Egghead! "Your only mistake was melting Iron Man's pants" from Spidey may sound like a joke, but if they had never melted those pants, Tony would not have updated his armour and found the bug they planted at Avengers Tower this issue. Truly, pants are the ultimate weapon.

Watching Is Not A Crime!

Seems The Watcher has been a naughty little Peeping Tom in this week's Marvel Comics Presents #1. Bet he didn't see that one coming. Where did the mean Watcher touch you Billy?

Fo'shizzle my Pizzower Coshizzmic Nizzle

Marvel Adventures keeps on hitting homeruns this week with Fantastic Four #28's hilarious depiction of Silver Surfer trying to acclimate himself to Earthling costums. Someone needs to slap that woman. No man, or insanely powerful cosmic entity in this case, should speak this way. Ever.

I Bet They Don't Make It Through The Honeymoon...

With friends like these, who needs enemies crashing your wedding, huh, Ollie? I love how everyone expects the marriage to fail. Plastic Man's response was the best though in this Green Arrow and Black Canary Wedding Special.

I Was Right...

While completely random and out of place in the fun and light hearted Wedding Special, this death was still a big deal this week. I would have tried to kill her after the sex, but Ollie is pretty freaky like that.

The Doctor Is In

The return of Dr Fate finally came in this spectacular splash page that I just had to share with those of you that skipped this week's Countdown to Mystery #1.

Darkseid of the Moon

Eclipso, and the readers, find out some new information regarding her origins in this incredible splash page featuring one of the best Darkseid images I have ever seen. Another must share image from Countdown to Mystery this week.

Failure To Register Wii = Prison Under The SHRA Section 3 Para 5

Feeling guilty for having put his friend and Wii playing partner in prison, Eric explains the reasons to his pal Black Fox. After explaining the situation to his friend, that bastard reveals he stole his Wii! On top of that, he won't even give it back. What an ass. Though, I'd probably keep it too. So I guess I can't hold it against him.


That wraps up this week's Comic Book Moments of the Week. I'm still experimenting with the presentation, so let me know if you liked this week's setup compared to last week's edition. Also, let me know if I'm featuring too many moments or not and feel free to leave comments on what your moment of the week was in case I missed anything.

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Baal said... 1

Stop experimenting. This format was fine. You're now bookmarked.

Kirk Warren said... 2

Thanks for the vote of confidence. While I am much more pleased with this week's layout (last week's had all kinds of spacing issues with the images), I'm still going to try a few assorted tweaks here and there, but will mostly stick with this current format. Maybe headers for each book so each caption doesnt need to reference the book it came from if I have multiple instances of that book (like New X-Men and others had this week).

You can expect simple things like that if they end up looking better, but no major format changes.

Thanks for the feedback and see you around.

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