Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Heroes Season 2 Chapter One "Four Months Later..."

Figure I'd weigh in on the premiere of the best 'comic book' based TV show going. Heroes ended last season with Hiro in feudal Japan, Peter and Nathan possibly dead, Parkman shot and several other's injured or in precarious positions. This season picks up Four Months Later...

Spoilers follow obviously and I'm curious to hear what everyone thought of the new season. More after the jump.

I'll save the full summary details for other sites. You can get pretty much all the spoilers and detailed synopsis at the Heroes Wiki or just about any other of the million Heroes sites out there. I really didn't know if the show was going to be able to pull me back in after the long break between seasons. I hadn't really bothered keeping up with spoilers, rumours or even reruns of the show. However, this first episode was excellent. It answered a lot of questions from last season, introduced new characters and set up several new subplots that have me hooked.

"That's the Midas Touch"

According to the Heroes Wiki, the new Company Man taking over for Noah (Horned Rimmed Glasses Man and the cheerleader's father) is named Bob. I don't recall him being named, but he has the Midas touch. He can turn, at least so far, inanimate objects, like the spoon in this episode, into solid gold. He's recruited Suresh back into the company and is going to give him money to research the disease that killed his sister and, as revealed in this episode, might become an air born virus that affects all the heroes. Looks like a Legacy Virus from the X-Men days. I wonder if Molly will become the new Illyana for the show. What was really interesting about this was that apparently Suresh is actually trying to infiltrate the Company on behalf of Noah, of all people. Noah is also keeping this from his family again. Interesting stuff here and Suresh is actually a lot more interesting compared to last season, where he was always a bloody nancy.

"No powers at the table young lady."

Noah had the best scene of the show with the encounter with his new boss at yet another paper-based business. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who noticed, but I thought it was hilarious that he ended up working in the paper industry again. I guess his old paper factory job with the Company gave him some nice credentials.


Next big development is probably on Matt Parkman's side of things. He's divorced his wife and now has custody of Molly. Molly is having some crazy ass nightmares about the 'bogeyman' from last season and is even making strange drawings of the guy that consist of the helix image that pervades the show and some freaky eyes. The eyes in the image above look like big Sylar eyebrows. Maybe he disappeared and is with the new menace for this season.

"Kirk to Enterprise...Sulu's down. Sulu's down."

Next up is the murder of Hiro's dad. He was targeted for death with a torn image from a group photo that bore the helix marking in red blood-like ink. Nathan was revealed to be alive as well and his mother received a similar photo that connected to the piece Hiro's father had. Someone is targeting the founders of the Company by the looks of it. Hiro's father ends up dying at the end of the episode from what looks like a young, slim, male assailant that he recognized. Seems like it was someone from the same group that he and Nathan's mom were a part of. I'm curious if this will link up with the mystery villain Molly keeps seeing.

"You look purdy."

Claire, the cheerleader, ended up meeting some freaky kid named West at her new school. Either there's more to this kid or he has the same powers as Nathan and uses them to be a flying Peeping Tom outside Claire's window. Excellent use of powers, but the writers are going back to the well a bit early on in the powers lottery here. I hope it ends up being gravity based or telekinetic or something instead of a repeat flying guy.

"We've been running for 8 hours, how much further is New York?"

Next up is the new recruits, two Mexicans, Maya and her brother Alejandro. They are wanted for murder and fleeing to America to find Suresh's father. Maya apparently has some insane killing power that causes people to bleed from their eyes. My guess is some kind of psychic based power, but hard to say at this point as it only happened off camera. Not sure how this plot will play out, but it looks like the Radioactive Man aspect of the first season replaying here.

"Never mind the bollocks, I can't be arsed to bloody well care."

Hiro and the, apparently, British Kensai were great. I really hope Hiro gets more time this season, as he is definitely the star of the show for me and this Kensai looks like a perfect fit for the Hiro's straight man routine. Can't wait to see how his changing history and trying to fix it works out.

"Ireland? No, anywhere but there!"

Finally, Peter is revealed to be alive at the end. He's perfectly fine physically, but is handcuffed inside a ship cargo box that just arrived in Ireland. He also has no memory of who he is or anything related to his life. On top of that, he's wearing a necklace with a helix medallion on it. Looks like he used some telekinesis or electric based power on the person that tried to grab him, but it's hard to tell as it went by too fast for me to tell. Seems like the Haitian got his hands on Peter and mind wiped him or maybe it's just ordinary amnesia.

As I said, it was a great first episode and I'm definitely intrigued and looking forward to finding out where a lot of these plots are going. Didn't think they'd reveal that Nathan and Peter both survived the explosion this early in the season. Thought there would be a Search for the Patrelli's type plot going on, but was pleasantly surprised they didn't drag it out. Did find it odd they didn't show DL, Niki or Micah or the fallout of Mr Linderman's death. Hopefully they have some flashback episodes to show what happened at the end of last season. And Sylar is supposed to be around. Didn't appear this episode, but can't wait for his return.

Heroes is back and they definitely didn't disappoint. Catch the encore showing if you missed it or forgot about the premiere. Finally have a reason to watch television again.

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collectededitions said... 1

I was very impressed with the Heroes premiere. Gasp moments included Claire calling Nathan (and what Nathan saw in the mirror), Suresh calling Noah, and all the appearances of the helix (for lack of a better term)--on the death threats, on Kensai's sword, as the statue at Kirby Plaza, and on Molly's drawings. My guess is that the figure in Molly's drawings is not Sylar, but rather the boogeyman she spoke about in the finale.

I was struck by how much more cohesive this season is already in terms of character interaction--you can draw straight lines from Molly and Parkman to Suresh, from Suresh to Noah and Claire, from Claire to Nathan, from Nathan to his mother and from her to Hero's (departed) father and Ando. And I'm sure Nikki and DL are right around the corner.

Skipped Journeyman and Chuck; sometimes it's just too much to start new TV shows. Excited for Smallville though, but I may be the only one. It struck me, as Heroes was up for Emmys, how much Heroes owes Smallville for re-starting the genre (or maybe Heroes owes it to the X-Men movies; I'm not sure).

Kirk Warren said... 2

Id say it owes more to 24 for killing the reality TV fad and proving people are willing to sit down for shows with serial content that continues from week to week. Im not a fan of 24, but it did spawn shows like Lost and Heroes. Superhero movies definitely opened the door for this type of show though, with the popularity of Spider-man, X-Men, Batman Begins and so on. Smallville definitely had a hand in it as well.

And about Molly, I meant that in that one picture, it shows some eyes with dark eyebrows along with the rest of the scribbled drawings. I just thought maybe that part of hte drawing represented Sylar. I'm pretty sure the one in her dreams is the same as the bogeyman from last seasons finale.

House just finished up as well. That's about it for my TV viewing though. Heroes on Monday and House on Tuesdays.

I watch Smallville if its on and I'm bored, but not religiously . I loved the earlier seasons. Not sure why I got out of it. Did Supergirl show up in the premiere or is that later in the season?

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