Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Green Arrow and Black Canary Wedding Special #1 Review

Written by Judd Winick
Art by Amanda Conner

This was a fun, if cliched, wedding issue with an extremely shocking final page. It does an excellent job of summing up the history both characters have with each other and the events leading up to the marriage, like the bachelor party seen in the JLA Wedding Special and the bachelorette party in Countdown.

My only complaint is the super-villains-crashing-wedding cliche that they used. Deathstroke is smart and a master tactician. I know he has a grudge with Green Arrow, but even he would have avoided this wedding at all costs and why any other villains would sign up to crash this wedding, which is attended by dozens of the biggest heroes on the planet, makes little sense. They could have had a nice wedding for these two characters that have so much shared history, dating back to the Silver Age. The shock ending would have worked just as well without the wedding crashers and that is really my only complaint with the issue.

Despite that, the book does what it set out to do and was highly enjoyable. The scenes with Ollie begging for sex and Canary denying it, wanting to wait for marriage, were hilarious and despite Ollie's protests that they've done it many times before and saving it for marriage now won't exactly make a difference, Canary still holds out on him. The reactions to the various heroes receiving the wedding invitations are gold, especially Batman's at the end.

The shock ending features the apparent death, again, of Green Arrow. When Canary comes into the bedroom, Ollie seems to go robotic-like and tries to kill her. Fighting for her life, Canary stabs him in the neck with an arrow, apparently killing him. It came out of no where, but most people had speculated he might die since he had not appeared in solicits or on any covers of the Green Arrow / Black Canary series launching soon. My guess is that Deathstroke replaced him with a double or something similar. Hard to say at this point, but after bringing him back from the dead once, I doubt they would go to the trouble of killing him off again, especially after all these wedding specials they've released.

Good, fun issue. Just turn the brain off for a bit and enjoy this entertaining issue for what it is.

Verdict - Check It

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