Friday, September 28, 2007

Comic Book Moments of the Week for 09/26/07

Comic Book Moment's of the Week returns again this week with some great moments from a very impressive week of comics. Even Countdown got in on the action this week with a couple moments for your viewing pleasure. Some might be wondering where the Post-Crisis Comic Book Previews disappeared to this week, as it usually shows up on Thursdays. For those curious, I'm moving it to Mondays to give it some space between the Weekly Crisis and Moments of the Week and to spread out my major posts each week. So look for that this weekend. Also, make sure you check out this week's reviews in the Weekly Crisis Comic Book Reviews. Once you're finished there, hit the jump for all the Comic Book Moments of the Week!

UPDATE - One other little thing I forgot to mention. At the bottom of each post, you might have noticed a Digg It! or Stumble This or links. If you enjoy one of my posts, please feel free to submit any pages to digg or stumble or whatever your preferred social site may be by clicking on the mentioned links.



"I'm Speechless"

Looks like turn about is very play for Namor this week as he takes Venom to task with this tongue lashing scene. While the tongue is merely an extension of the symbiote and doesn't function the way it appears to in this scene, it made for a very cool image and I suppose that's all the writer was looking for. The second page of this spread shows just how important those teeny, tiny wings that Venom tore off Namor's ankles really are.


"Zombies? In My DC? I Don't Think So."

Looks like Titan's writer McKeever took a shot at the whole zombie phenomena and Marvel with this humorous anti-zombie bit of girl-talk.

"Screw You Beechan! I'm Not Gonna Take It Anymore!"

Tired of Beechan's character assassination in his own title, Robin decides to end it all in this cliffhanger after a little chit-chat with his future Batman self. While I don't think he'll follow through on it, it still made a cool image.


"Rogers Has Some Interesting Hobbies..."

Writer John Rogers shows off his internet hobbies with this gigantism-based scene between Paco and
Peacemaker. I especially enjoyed the Batman and Robin joke at the end.

"%#@^ Pym Particles!"

DC takes another jab at Marvel, specifically heroes like Hank Pym, with this scientific rebuttal to super sized humans.


"Owlman, Telling It Like It Is."

Owlman tells it like it is in this put down on Jason Todd, as if Todd has any right to accuse someone of being a 'second-rate Batman'.

"Syndicate? This Is SPARTA...I Mean Society"

While the art isn't spectacular, it does a great job showing off the new Crime Society that replaces the old Syndicate. Bonus points for another Jason Todd put down with the crowbar remark as the Jokester comes in.


"I'll Be Back."

This scene seems to be poking fun at Ollie's recent death and his ability to come back from the dead.


"Afro Man To Negative Combover, Come In, Over"

John Stewart says what we all feel in this funny bit of dialogue with Black Lightning.

"I've Got The Funk"

The conclusion to the little talk between John and Lightning has me picturing John played by Samuel L Jackson if John ends up as the Green Lantern in the JLA movie.


"Bring Me My Victory Wenches!"

Wenches indeed Fat Cobra, wenches indeed. This was the climactic finale of the Fat Cobra / Iron Fist fight that resulted in the defeat of Danny Rand. Great finish to a great fight with a very memorable line from Fat Cobra.

"Sweet &@&H$@ Christmas, It's Cold!"

Always great to see more of Luke Cage and the rest of Danny's friends. I had thought maybe Fraction had forgotten about them with this tournament arc, but here they are again with a great little exchange.


"Damn Zombie Hobo's Always Bumming For Brains"

Excellent explanation of what a Zobo is in this panel with the city councillors.

"Can Carl Come Out And Play?"

Calamity has some downtime and decides to pay the drunk driver that caused his legs to be amputated, which basically ended his baseball career and former life, a quick visit with a baseball bat. Should be interesting fallout from this next issue.


"Goddamn That's A Goddamn Lot of Goddamn Goddamn's"

Frank Miller has clearly gone insane. I'm pretty sure 'goddamn' replaced the space key on his keyboard when he started this series. This is the funniest moment of the week. I'm not sure if Frank wrote it to be funny or if it's supposed to be serious, but All-Star Batman is the best comedy on the market.


"Would You Like Fries With That, Your Highness?"

After returning from his apparent demise last issue, although greatly diminished in size, Groot maintains his royal attitude and demands some hydration. Rocket Raccoon is more than happy to oblige in this hilarious scene.

"By Your Powers Combined, I Am Captain!"

As I said in the review of this book in The Weekly Crisis this week, this ending moment reminded me of the 'Wolverine in the sewers' scene back in Uncanny X-Men #132 pictured below. While not identical, the circumstances are very similar and it reminded me of this instantly. A very cool moment and a character defining scene for Captain Universe this issue.



"Slapstick's A Nice & Funny Guy, But..."

Look how innocent he is. Slapstick's just trying to cheer everyone up in this jail scene. There's no way he could be guilty of anything...

"Who's Laughing NOW! AHAHAHA"

And here we have the conclusion to the Gauntlet mystery with the revelation that Slapstick snapped and beat him nearly to death in this excellent flashback scene.

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