Written by Dave Gibbons
Art by Patrick Gleason
Yet another stellar issue in the Sinestro Corps War crossover. This issue moves the plot along nicely and give the reader an excellent sense of scope of the war and just how big a threat the Sinestro Corps really is.
The bulk of the issue deals with the assault on Mogo, the living planet and member of the Green Lantern Corps. We are given some interesting information concerning Mogo and his importance to the Corps outside regular Lantern duties.
Apparently, Mogo is the guiding force behind the rings and how they choose new Lanterns. Without him, the rings cannot seek out new recruits. Very interesting revelation and makes this battle that much more dire for the GLC. As this is a fight issue, we are given plenty of action.
The artists do an excellent job of displaying the different personalities of each Lantern in the way each is depicted using their ring, whether it is Vath, the ex-solider, using gun constructs to represent his power or his partner, Isamot, using more organic, spike like constructs or even the robotic Stel holding his body together and creating technological extensions with the ring. Each is displayed perfectly and few words are needed to get each person's personality off towards the reader.
The best and worst part of this issue is the fight between Arkillo and Kilowog featured on the cover image. The fight is brutal and awesome all at the same time and Kilowog's, "I care!", line is perfect and emotion packed. The only problem is how short the fight is. No winner was declared and I am sure they will meet up again next issue, but their fight was so good I am left wanting more from it. It is not really a complaint so much as my being greedy.
The issue expands on the Blackest Night prophecy and we see the various omens come to pass as the Children of the White Lobe are revealed to be on Ranx and Sodam Yat is destined to die at their hands. Ranx is also ripping into Mogo's crust to reveal his core, which is also prophesied as to herald the end of the Corps. I love how Johns and Gibbon have built upon this prophecy, first seen back in the 80's in a Alan Moore GL Annual, and cannot wait to see how the Lanterns survive.
The ending of this issue picks up the Lost Lanterns storyline from Green Lantern and shows them meeting up with none other than the Anti-Monitor himself. It was an awesome splash page that gave me an, "Oh f---!" moment and cemented this as one of the best issues in the Sinestro War to date. Cannot wait for next months issue.
Verdict - Must Read
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