Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Countdown #39 Review

Story by Paul Dini
Script by Sean McKeever
Art by Jim Calafiore

There is not much left to say about Countdown. If you are buying it, you are stuck buying it for another 38 weeks. If you are not buying it, you have saved yourself a lot of grief.

This issue actually picks up the pace a little and is probably the most action packed of all the Countdown issues released. Even with this added bit of action, the series still manages to trudge along at a snail's pace and leaves more questions then answers with each passing issue.

Why is Karate Kid going to Oracle? How did he learn of her? I doubt she was the most documented "hero" of the 31st century and even if known about, how did she find her base of operations? Do these events take place after Lightning Saga? Before? Before he spoke to Batman, but after the Saga?

What is the point of all the Athena action and why is Harley so out of character from her usual insane self? This better not end up being just an Amazons Attack tie-in story arc.

How did Trickster and Piper escape from a wine cellar, while chained together with electric shock handcuffs and being cornered by the Suicide Squad? To be able to get away from them after being jumped while they ate is a bit much, even if they were not so severely handicapped to start with. And what is with the gay jokes every time these two show up? Is this the type of humour I should expect from the "spine of the DC Universe" as DiDio calls Countdown?

If the Monitor could move Todd and Donna through reality as he is shown doing this issue, why did they waste so much time finding Atom to shrink them in the first place?

This issue wasn't a complete waste like most issues of Countdown, but the book is just barely keeping it's head above water. I believe, at this point, I am simply reading it still because it is weekly and always in the pull list as opposed to any merit the actual book might have. The best part of this issue was the correction of the brutal artistic portrayal of Question last week that had many concerned they had redesigned the character altogether. Renee is back this week looking spectacular, despite only appearing in the last couple panels.

Verdict - Avoid It

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