Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Black Panther #30 Review

Written by Reginald Hudlin
Art by Francis Portela

I am not a big Black Panther fan, but I loved Marvel Zombies and their Ultimate Fantastic Four appearances, so have been picking this run of the book up. Hudlin does an okay job with them, but if zombies are not your thing, then you are going to hate this issue and the previous parts of this story.

While I believe Hudlin has been merely cashing in on the Marvel Zombies phenomenon, this final issue is one of the stronger of his arc. I actually find he writes the zombies better than he does the rest of the characters in this book. Zombie Spider-man is spot on and I really enjoyed the fake Thanos / Death encounter this issue. This issue could be a major development for the zombies come Marvel Zombies 2, as the zombies learn how to use Galactus' world devouring abilities to feed their hunger at the end of this issue when they devour the Skrull planet. I am interested in finding out if this will play any part in the next Marvel Zombies miniseries.

If you enjoy fun zombie stories, this book has been a great source of it for the last few issues. While not a perfect story arc by any means, it is fun and enjoyable and that is all that really matters.

Verdict - Check It

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