Monday, July 30, 2007

Welcome to The Weekly Crisis - Comic Book Review Blog

Parkerrrr!!My name is Kirk Warren and this is my first post for The Weekly Crisis - Comic Book Review Blog. This is a comic book related blog, focusing mainly on weekly reviews for most major Marvel and DC comics with the occasional Image/Dark Horse/Indy book thrown in for good measure.

On top of these reviews, I hope to have articles on my general thoughts concerning whatever topic comes to mind, whether it is a random topic, such as the dreaded "event fatigue", or just spotlighting a certain title or character or whatever strikes my fancy.

Stay tuned for weekly updates every Wednesday evening after the books come out and I have had a chance to read them.

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Anonymous said... 1

hey, i like your blog....but i especially like your blog pic with the guy in the tie rubbing his that Gary Frank artwork? if it isn't where is it from? is it Peter Parker? It's really cool. Anyway, i think your personality shines through the articles--you seem witty and serious about your comics.

Kirk Warren said... 2

Thanks for the compliments; the art is from Steve McNiven (Civil War). It was a promo piece for his upcoming Amazing Spider-man when the title goes three times a month. And yes, you are correct, it is Peter Parker.

Anonymous said... 3

thanks Kirk! Cheers!

Unknown said... 4

Great stuff, man. Just discovered your blog and am much in agreement with your Countdown and New Avengers reviews. Rock on!

Anonymous said... 5

You read a lot of books, but your reviews aren't very objective. You complain too much

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