Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Weekly Crisis vs. Solicits for June 2013

It's that time again, ladies and gentlemen.  With June solicitations hitting the world wide web, some of The Weekly Crisis crew has given thought to their best, worst, and coolest picks for the latest crop of comic book possibilities.  So check behind the cut to get an idea of some of the quality works coming your way come June.

Grant's Thoughts

Best Things in June

A Guest on Batwoman

Normally I'm not a happy camper when it comes to switching artists mid-arc, but I just might be willing to make an exception when the incoming artist is Francisco Francavilla.  For my money, he is one of the most dynamic and exciting artists working in comics nowadays, and that is the exact skillset that an artist on Batwoman should have.  J.H. Williams III routinely delivered some of the most electrifying pages and layouts around during his run on the title, and I believe that Francavilla could very well step up to the plate and take things to another level entirely.

X-Files Marks the Spot

I never thought I'd be saying this, but I'm super excited to see that there is going to be a new X-Files book coming out.  It's not that I don't like X-Files; to be perfectly honest, I've barely ever seen an episode.  So my expected lack of enthusiasm has nothing to do with the property itself and everything to do with my lack of experience with it.  That being said, what makes this book look so enticing if I'm not familiar with the source material?  It's the creative team of Joe Harris and Michael Walsh.  I've liked everything I've read from Harris, and with Comeback ending this week, I'm chomping at the bit to get more of Walsh's purty art in my hands.  Happily, the good folks at IDW seem prepared to satisfy that craving.

Worst Things in June

I got nothing.  There's a lot of cool stuff coming in June, but nothing that I particularly mislike.

DC Selling Comics The Marvel Way?

As astute reader Eric von Schaik pointed out in this post's comments, DC is moving towards the Marvel model of charging $3.99 for 20 pages worth of content with the first issue of Batman/Superman #1 (and even worse with Superman Unchained that's going for $4.99 for a 20-page comic and a fold-out poster).  It's too early to tell if this is a one-off thing or a sign of things to come, but if it's the latter, expect to see a lot less DC on my pull list, because I have no intentions of supporting that kind of pricing from either of the Big 2.

Coolest Things in June

The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys

The Killjoys are the fictitious group of rebels who fought against an evil megacorporation throughout the songs of My Chemical Romance's fourth album, Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys.  I'm not a huge MCR fan, although I did dig the music videos for the album (having Grant Morrison appear as the group's primary antagonist was a nice touch).  What does excited me about this project is the participation of band member Gerard Way and artist Beck Cloonan.  For those who don't recongize the name, Gerard Way was also the writer on the absolutely mindmeltingly good Umbrella Academy comics, which I think is more than enough reason to get excited for him writing more comics.  And, you know, Becky Cloonan is all kinds of amazing, so it's even more exciting to know she's drawing the whole thing.

The Dark Nights of a Daredevil

Marvel has seemingly answered all the prayers I never knew I had with the announcement of Daredevil: Dark Nights, a new anthology book containing short stories starring everyone's favourite Hornhead by a rotating cast of creators.  The first story is from Lee Weeks, a prominent Daredevil storyteller from the early nineties.  I'm just thrilled to know that a major publisher is trying out an anthology book, and it's even more exciting that it stars a character as fun and versatile as the protector of Hell's Kitchen.  This book should be good.

Hansel's Thoughts

Best Things in June

New Comics, New Possibilities!

I love new books. Every month I look for a new story to enjoy and new tales to astound me. June's solicits bring quite a few gems. 

First off, The X-Files: Season 10 #1  by Joe Harris and Michael Walsh. I'm a fan of Mr. Harris' sci fi and Michael's art. I can not wait to see what they bring to the table. Mulder forever!

Next up BATMAN/SUPERMAN #1 written by Greg Pak and art by Jae Lee. I may be a cynical bastard when it comes to big two and their endless events and overcomplicated shared universe but I hope with all my heart this book sweeps me off my feet and shows me a good time.

Finally a little something near and dear to my heart.  Dark Horse brings us BREATH OF BONES: A TALE OF THE GOLEM #1 by Steve Niles , Matt Santoro and Dave Wachter.

The giant clay monster from Jewish legend goes on a Nazi-killing rampage in order to protect the inhabitants of a small Jewish stronghold and an injured British pilot.

Dave Wachter drawing golems killing Nazis? What's not to love?

Coolest Things in June

Trades Galore!

Sweet, sweet comics to take you away on flights of fancy! Want a rocking space opera with themes of identity and the savagery of man? Check out PROPHET, VOL. 2: BROTHERS  by Brandon Graham, Simon Roy, Farel Dalrymple and Giannis Milonogianns. It is 172 pages for $14.99!

If space isn't your thing and would rather like a reality altering getaway check out the INFINITE VACATION Hard Cover Collection by Nick Spencer and Christian Ward. This book is gorgeous!  Nick's writing is solid but this book shines because of Christian. His amazing style makes every page a masterpiece! Go forth and pre-order! 192 pages for $24.99

I'd also like to point out SACRIFICE by Sam Humphries and Dalton Rose, THE BLACK BEETLE VOLUME 1: NO WAY OUT Hard Cover by the lovely and amazing Francesco Francavilla, and finally the hilarious and thrilling adventures continue in BATTLEPUG VOLUME 2: THIS SAVAGE BONE Hard Cover by Mike Norton and Allen Passalaqua.

Infinite worlds await you out there. I hope one of these caught your eye. Enjoy and spread the word.

Worst Thing in June

Robert Kirkman

32 PAGES / BW / M
Lucille is going to be so jealous.

Why Robert? Why do you hurt me like this?

Ken's Thoughts

Best Things in June

Waid smash crossover!

Mark Waid's Daredevil has been a consistently good book since taking over, and Indestructible Hulk has been one of the highlights in Marvel NOW!, so I look forward to seeing what happens when he crosses the streams of his two books. On top of that, it's a team-up that has never really existed before, so we have the potential for Waid to really make a name for future radiation buddy comics.

Astro City Returns

Easily the best title of the past 15 years when it gets a chance to be on shelves, Astro City has always been a love letter to the superhero genre, where every issue is just as accessible as the first. And now it looks like Busiek and Anderson have enough issues in the can so as to make a push for an ongoing series. Looks like the Eisner winners for 2014 just arrived, everyone. I truly cannot wait.

Worst Things in June

Zero Year

I've enjoyed a lot of Scott Snyder's work, both in DC proper and his Vertigo work. But man if something doesn't feel off about making Batman's new origin go on for 11 issues. Even if it takes place in flashabcks throughout an ongoing story in the present, it just seems.....unnecessary? Redundant? The payoff to Death of the Family wasn't groundbreaking, and the recent situation with Damian feels like the once unstoppable Batman brand is hitting a lot of bumps in the road so the easiest solution is to go back to Batman's past. I'm really not trying to pick on DC when it comes to the monthly solicits but there's something going on where no one seems to be playing devil's advocate in order to get a better product.

Coolest Things in June

Valiant Making It Rain (with artists)

I always enjoyed Nord's work on the book in the beginning, and loved his Conan run with Kurt Busiek. Having Nord back on what I think is Valiant's best book (they're all good, really) is a pleasant sight to see for the Planet Death arc. Not only that, Barry Kitson seems to be drawing Bloodshot #12 this month, so that's another nice grab. And Pere Perez, an artist whose work I loved on Batgirl, is on Archer & Armstrong. Valiant's got a nice thing going that can hopefully carry on well past Harbinger Wars. Also, I like this Metroid inspired cover and all the other 8-bit variants, and now I hope you will too.

Ryan's Thoughts

Coolest Things in June


Man, Greg Rucka and Michael Lark on a book, that's instantly grounds for a little love. Then you mix in the fact it looks like a cool premise and you know I'm all over this one.

Fatale Hits #15

Can we pause a moment and just realise how rad it is that this Brubaker/Phillips creation has been trucking along for so long. That's insane that we get such good comics and i hope we're not taking it for granted over a year later.

Joe Hill's Thumbprint

Another Joe Hill story adapted to comics, and again by Jason Ciaramella, and you all know I loved that they did with The Cape. And this time they've got Vic Malhotra along for the ride so it's thumbs up all the way down.

Edison Rex collected at IDW

This digital only book from MonkeyBrain comics written by Chris Roberson with art from dennis Culver is so much fun. It's like your childhood distilled and repurposed in a way you'lla ctually love more. Get onto this one, gang.

Matt Fraction Writes for Dark Horse Presents

Whatever could this mean for the future of Fraction? This feels like huge news, and I also hope it's a cool story.

Superman Unchained

Scott Snyder writes the man of Steel. I'm in. I am intrigued to see if I can dig this character through a Snyder lans.

The Best Thing in June

Daredevil: Dark Knights

An anthology, for eight whole issues, all about Daredevil. This is the ultimate news in my world right now.

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Eric van Schaik said...

Happy about:
Astro City (finally!)
Herobear (another finally!)
Nexus Omnibus 3

Unhappy about:
DC starting with pricing books the Marvel way.
What are your thoughts about that?

Ken Boehm said...

Good catch Eric. Superman/Batman seems to be their first real attempt at seeing if anyone notices, as it seems the foldout poster in Superman Unchained is what makes the first issue two dollars more.

It wouldn't surprise me if new books from here on start to be 4 dollars, but the books around since the beginning of the reboot stay at their current price.

Grant McLaughlin said...

Good catch, indeed! If that becomes any type of a habit from DC, I might to have to seriously reevaluate some of my comic book purchases, because I refuse to support that from the Big 2.

Eric van Schaik said...

Hi Grant. I'm thinking the same way about buying Marvel/DC books. I already stopped Marvel monthly (except the Mark Millar stuff), and Hawkeye in trades (thanks to you guys). When Batman Incorperated stops, Batman and Batwoman will be the only books from DC.
If the price is right I will buy the Jae Lee Batman/Superman TPB's because I like his art.
So I'm becoming more and more a TPB-guy.
How about you?

Grant McLaughlin said...

I can't say no to single issues. I love reading stories in that format, so less books from Marvel and DC just means more books from smaller publishers, which is a-okay by me.

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