Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Private Eye is Nigh!

We don't often talk about breaking news here at The Weekly Crisis.  However, whether we should do that more must remain a topic for another day, because we need to tell you about The Private Eye.

Long story short: Brian K Vaughan and Marcos Martin, two extremely talented comic book creators, are collaborating together on a new comics project.  The two dropped plenty of teasers yesterday, but you don't have to worry about a long wait, because as of this morning, the first issue is available to download now at their new digital publisher Panel Syndicate on a pay-what-you-want model.  The suggested price is 99 cents, but it's up to you.

Unsurprisingly, the story they're telling is based on one hell of a concept.  Here's the description from the site itself:
It’s a detective story set in 2076, when everyone in the United States has a secret identity. Our protagonist is a member of the paparazzi, outlaw private investigators who dig up the kind of personal dirt no longer readily available through search engines. It’s a mystery with lots of masks, but no superpowers. We know how the story ends, and we think it will take about 10 issues to get there.
Long story shorter: go to Panel Syndicate and get yourself a copy of this #1.  It's brilliant.

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