Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cover of the Week - Deadpool Killustrated and Comeback

Rounding out the weekend's articles is another installment of Cover of the Week. This week the winners were two different fictions crossing the stream, and a cover that blows your mind. All that plus the runner-ups after the jump.

Ken's Cover of the Week - Deadpool Killustrated #2 by Mike Del Mundo

Ken: It's a big catch, isn't it? Tom's reaction, and just the muted colors make this much more subtle than most covers, but it's got a nice lasting appeal to it. A Looney Tunes cartoon mixed with some other pieces of fiction, and you even have a frog on a bazooka log. Well done.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Comeback #4 by Michael Walsh and Jordie Bellaire

Grant: Michael Walsh and Jordie Bellaire have been knocking these covers out of the park. As always, the cover is a perfect summary of what happens in the issue, but you'd never know it without reading the actual book. Walsh's design is once again out of this world, and Bellaire's colours are the icing on the cake.

Runner-Ups:  FF #4, Batman Inc. #8. Legend of Luthor Strode #3

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