Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cover of the Week - All-New X-Men and Comeback

Reviews are running a little behind, so why not take a load off and pass the time with our Covers of the Week?  We've some clever - yet shadowy - legacies and some cliffhanging action for your viewing pleasure.  And if that's not enough, as always, we have the most excellent honourable mentions to round things out.

Ken's Cover of the Week - All-New X-Men #6 by Stuart Immonen

Ken: Sometimes you want a cover that is original but not really trying to be original, and this cover is exactly that. A nice recognition of Kitty being the Headmistress and the nice silhouette of Xavier in the background to show a legacy, well done.

Grant's Cover of the Week - Comeback #3 by Michael Walsh

Grant: I really love these sleek covers that Michael Walsh and colourist Jordie Bellaire have been churning out for Comeback.  The parred down visuals and strong colours make for some deceptively simple imagery that really speak to what's going on in actual comic book.  Kelly hanging on for dear life grabs your attention, but then you can't help but notice the giant pistol leering over her.  Some excellent design choices here.
Runner-Ups:  Demon Knights # 16, Conan the Barbarian #12, Black Beetle: No Way Out #1

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