Monday, December 3, 2012

...And We're Back!

So it's been a little while.

Our sincerest apologies for the absence this past month or so.  Towards the end of October somebody poached our url, which has caused us untold problems, and as you've probably noticed, it took us a little longer than anticipated to get things back online.

If you've found your way over here, you've also noticed that we've had to switch urls, so all that rank building we've been up to over the years is somewhat out the window.  Undaunted, we intend to keep on keeping on here at our new home of  There may very well be some growing pains as we get used to our new digs, so please excuse any mess in the interim.

Our RSS feed is back up and holding steady!  If you were previously subscribed, it should be updating in your reader of course already.  If you aren't presently subscribed, feel free to check out the links on the right-hand column to join in (or hit this link here for the feed).  Unfortunately, many of our old links are of limited use at present.  We'll certainly do our darndest to let the world know that we're back in business, but if you could  help us out with some word of mouth to spread the word that we've upped sticks and moved the band over here, it would be much appreciated.

To conclude, all of us at The Weekly Crisis would simply want to thank you all for your patience during this unplanned outage.  We've missed you guys and we're more than ready to pick right back up from where we left off, delivering even more of the quality content that we've become known for.

So without further ado, welcome back.  Let's get talkin' comics.

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Chris Partin said...

Glad to have you guys back.

Chris Partin said...

Glad to have you guys back.

Jon said...

Welcome back, gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank God. I missed you guys.

Unknown said...

Good to see you back.

Anonymous said...

es bueno tenerlos de vuelta.

THK said...

It's good to have you all back, I've really missed your site and articles! You just put a smile on my face, when I have seen the RSS feeds today!

Rich Richardson said...

I am just happy you are back!

Jarmir said...

Wow, good to know everyting is ok with you guys! Thanks for google for finding the new URL so fast :)

Keep up the awesome work!

patrick said...

just randomly typed the word "the" before the old url for the hell of it. been over a month and was worried you had to shut down. been following for four years. glad to have the site back and running!

BobofBentleigh said...

phew! glad to see the site back online !

Ryan K Lindsay said...

Hey all - thanks so much for the kind words. Always good to know we don't work in a vacuum.

A cybersquatter stole the old site when it wasn't automatically renewed, which has angered us to no end, but now we're back here and hopefully people will find us once more.

We also have some major plans for 2013 to really up the content on the site in an awesome and major way.

Here's to another four years, and more, for many of you :)

Thank you.

Anonymous said...


Randallw said...

I am also glad you're back. I am just reading " How to make Webcomics" by Scott Kurtz, and I read the section that says to keep your address paid up or some spammer will steal it. I thought "I bet that's just what happened"

Eric in Ottawa said...

Phew... I just Googled "What happened to Weekly Crisis?" Glad you folks are still around and running!

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