Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Weekly Crisis Invades The MOMBCast

While you weren't looking, part of the crew of The Weekly Crisis invaded and took over the Monkey On My Back Podcast. Alright, so maybe it wasn't an invasion, it was more like blitzkrieg attack, as we all went in different episodes at different times. And it wasn't really taken over, more like we were invited as guests to the best weekly podcast about comics recorded on a Thursday night in Southampton. It's a very relaxed podcast, full of casual conversation, self-deprecating jokes, and wry British humor.

In any case, if you ever wondered what the international branch of The Weekly Crisis sounds like, you can go here and find a whole list of all the MOMBCast episodes. In case you want specifics, Christine appeared in Episode #40, where she discussed the beginning of Shadowland, Ryan L. was on Episode #43 where he spotlighted  the paperback of S.W.O.R.D., and I was on the latest one Episode #45 in which I talked about The Stuff of Legend

And make sure to bookmark MOMBComics for reviews, images, and all the latest updates from the MOMBCast crew. Let us know what you thought about our appearances in the MOMBCast, specially if you liked our sexy foreign accents* in the comments section below.

Note: Members of The Weekly Crisis may or may not have sexy foreign accents.

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Matt/Comic said...

Hey I am a comic book enthusiast from comics like xmen, punisher, the green lantern, justice... most alex ross comics. but have I had the good fortune to find myself in possession of some real old comics that belonged to my late God Mother and I have been trying to find the best possible way to sell without losing money .... because I am sure there worth some good chunk of change. If Any reading this has any info I'd really appericate it.
Thanks Matt

Marc said...

Matt, Christine, and Ryan: I'm long overdue in posting this (I've just listened to the latest MOMBCast, and I was sad to hear that no one else had left any substantial comments here) but I've really enjoyed all of your appearances on the MOMBCast. In fact, you guys had such a great rapport with the regular MOMBers that if I hadn't known better, I might have thought you were regulars on the show. Hope to hear you on the MOMBCast again soon!

(And actually, I didn't think your accents were all that weird. Matt & Chris, you both speak English pretty damn well for it not being your first language!)

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