Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cover of the Week - Gotham City Sirens and Black Cat

I know you are all eagerly awaiting for the first contest of our Three Year Anniversary celebrations, but in the mean time we have something almost equally as good: Cover of the Week! And not only that, but it seems that it's Ladies Night, as the winning covers are all graced by members of the female population. Hit the jump to see them.

Ryan L.'s Cover of the Week - Gotham City Sirens #14 by Guillem March

Ryan L.: This cover is so simple and yet so striking. The tri-colour scheme of circles really works for me at spotlighting the three lovely ladies and also just getting my attention. This one jumped out at me because it's got a hook. It then kept me around because the look of the ladies is intriguing on every face. Kind of like an old 60's style pulp cover heroine. I like that Harlequin has a circle with the J in it to show her love, and Catwoman has a bat symbol in her's, but what does Emma Frost, I mean Poisin Ivy love? I must also say that I think the lettering on the title only adds to the quality of the cover and that's nice to have occur.

Matt's Cover of the Week - Amazing Spider-Man Presents: Black Cat #2 by Amanda Conner

Matt: I love me some Amanda Conner art, and I'll take it whenever I can get it. This is a very visually striking cover on it's own right, sensual without being overtly provocative, and a distillation of the character. She clearly has just finished some big heist, she can finally relax, take her work clothes off, and so on. Except, that someone is having none of it, as you can see Spider-Man's web is hitting the jewelry, not letting Black Cat get away with them. It's a great cover that also tells a story. 

Runner-Ups: Justice League: Generation Lost #6, Punishermax #9, Thor #612

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Anonymous said...

any moments of the day?

Klep said...

Ivy loves Harley, obviously.

Ivan said...

Captain Atom! Man, I miss him.

Kirk Warren said...

@Anonymous - We'll be launching that feature in the near future.

Chris said...

Glad to see the Black Cat/Conner cover get some praise, my favorite artist drawing my favorite female comic book character!!

Anonymous said...

Poison Ivy likes DC?

And that Black Cat cover is simply amazing.

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