Thursday, July 15, 2010

Updated - Green Lantern Movie Costume Revealed

Geoff Johns directed everyone on Twitter towards a scan of Entertainment Weekly's cover this week, which features the debut of the costume for the upcoming Green Lantern movie.  While that scan was fairly modest in size, I've included a larger image of the above photo, which you can view by clicking here. I have some quick thoughts on the look after the jump.

Update - Couple more shots from Entertainment Weekly.

Personally, I'm not sure how to feel about the costume. I  like it, but I also dislike complete CGI based costumes, as this looks to be.  It also looks like someone tore Ryan Reynold's skin off and painted the musculature green.  Kind of creeps me out a bit.  The real test will come by seeing it in motion.

Fan made mock-up poster showing a more traditional super hero movie costume.

However, I'm kind of disappointed this doesn't look like a uniform.  It's like his body was mutated by the ring or some such.  With others looking similar (I assume), it's an odd look for a military/police-like corps, but it is distinct from the other rash of super hero costumes, to which the above fan made mock-up poster was based on (you can actually see how it's based off Iron Man's armour design if you look carefully). 

Update - More shots of Hal Jordan

Hal Jordan of Earth, you have the ability to overcome fear.

Power ring on one hand, lady in the other. 

What do you think?  Love it?  Hate it?  Would you prefer something more like the mock-up image I posted or are you happy with the official look?  Let us know in the comments below.

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Wez said...

He looks a bit like a skinny Hulk as in the suit looks very flesh like.

Jer said...

What do you think? Love it? Hate it?

I think it makes him look more like Sinestro than Hal Jordan for reasons that I can't figure out. Maybe the angles on the mask? Or the black of the suit?

Klep said...

On the one hand, the aesthetics of it aren't immediately appealing. On the other hand, it looks remarkably like what you might expect if it was a ring-generated construct. I can at least understand and appreciate what they were trying to accomplish with this costume.

Anonymous said...


I love the suit buuuuuuut here is my theory:
This is not a finished suit yet, if you look at the giant resoultion image it looks like the mask is totaly photoshoped you just take a careful look at the skin in his face and see how the "mask" is just the skin of his face but painted green.

So what I think is that they needed to put a image and they used this rough "sketch" of what the final version is going to be.

That or it is the final suit but in motion it will look better.

So far I do not think he is looking a bad guy (like sinestro) but the opposite: he just look BADASS

Forrest Cain said...

I don't really like it. It's too complicated. It also reminds me of how Mordo looked when he was dying in the Power Rangers movie.

It does look alien, however. If they have all the GLs with the same costume it will make sense, otherwise its just weird that he would choose that suit for himself.

Ivan said...

Hm. My first impression is negative. And I definitely HATE the ugly mask.

Seth Brower said...

I am liking this design, and if this is whats used in a chunk of the film, I can definitely see why they went with the fully done in post method.

All of those striations just look like they would be slowly moving/pulsing with the energy of the suit, which would even allow for some interesting things when he starts to get close to the end of his 24hr charge (dimming or sputtering energy flow).

While this COULD be done as an effect on a practical suit he would wear, the complexity really ramps down in some ways when you are doing it all in post, rather than having to try and match and integrate to the on set materials shifting around.

Will hold off final verdict till I see it in motion, and final, but for now, I am definitely liking the direction they took it.

nf said...

I like it more than I like Odin and Loki from Thor, but that ain't much for praise.

Anonymous said...

I'm more excited about The New Buffy sneak peek.

Anonymous said...

I like the theory of anon #4 as I zoomed in the face of Ryan-Hal I just saw the paint... Have anyone elese noticed this?

Kirk Warren said...

@Anon 4 & 10 - It likely is a mock-up for the costume, probably altered in Photoshop to look like the final version. I imagine a lot of post-production work needs to be done to make the costume look right and that's why they went with this style. There's also talk that this isa shot of him 'suiting up' and that the costume is merely forming with the tendril-like veins. This is still speculation, though, so take with a grain of salt. I imagine we'll find out more at Comic-Con.

Glunders said...

I think it is totally awesome. I can totally picture it next to The Dark Knight's take on Batman in a theoretical Justice League movie.

Glunders said...


Anonymous said...

I need to see it in the movie...The stills of the second Hulk and the bat-cycle looked horrible, but they worked on the big screen IMHO....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #9 - Don't even get me started on that. It's bad enough Joss Whedon is not doing it.

Rocker69 said...

The mask looks weird...hopefully is just the picture.

The Gaf said...

I really hate this. If the problem with superhero costumes in the movie is the skintighted-ness of them, how does this help? It looks like his skin has been ripped off and we’re left looking at muscle with a glc logo in his chest.

Mask looks good tho, as does the ring.

Anonymous said...


WOW Blake Lively looks soooooooooo goooood as Carol ferris that I think I'm going to pass out in the work.

So far I'm loving what I see about the GL movie

Anonymous said...

eh...still can't picture Reynolds as Hal...but definitely see him as Guy Gardner, especially with these pics

and Blake Lively looks damn good as a brunette

Ryan K Lindsay said...

This suit is going to really divide fans, has the collective community ever just rallied and said something look awesome from the beginning?

I am not a GL fan, at all, but I think this suit actually looks pretty cool. It has to be a ring construct, from what i know, and if you look at the fan made poster in comparison that looks like a terrible way to dress him up, it looks corny and cheesy, and not very 'real', and I know it's not real but their look is obviously following some sort of logic, and I dig that.

I completely agree with Glunders that this look could stand with the Batman look, and that's pretty decent praise.

I would say this suit pic has me more keen, and thus more likely to see the GL flick, than I was before.

Carl Walker said...

He kinda looks like Kyle Rayner... well maybe that's more the fan-made mock-up pick than the first one, but I still get a bit of a Kyle vibe in that one too. He looks a bit more Hal in his "civilian" shots.

Anonymous said...

Man, that fool Reynolds gone done hurt his self on set! Rumor has it.

Anonymous said...

What?! That's Blake Lively?! SOLD

Ivan said...

Not feeling Blake Lively as Carol Ferris. Not at all.

Anonymous said...

I'm reserving judgment until I see the suit in motion, with completed special effects. My biggest problem is that he has Guy's/Kyle's ring style (even though he's been known to wear that one, too). And Hal has his bomber jacket!

kareem said...

I like it but I'd prefer a mask that doesn't look so CGI. The costume suits the weird 'hollow' vibe you get with some of Kyle Rayner's costumes, and those of the Alpha Lanterns, and I'm intrigued by the 'fleshiness'. Its distinct and alien, which is cool. But I too am concerned by how it will look in motion.

I also think Reynolds captures the cockiness of Hal Jordan very well in those pictures. He looks more serious cocky than goofy cocky, which is how I expected him to play it. Obviously it's early days yet, though.

Anonymous said...

I like it. It looks very good.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the timing of this issue was meant to coincide with the san diego comic-con which is where i think more details will be revealed but it looks ok to me. Even the mask works. And from what I've seen Thor looks good too but I'll to search around for the photos of Loki haven't seen those yet although I did get a look at Anthony Hopkins as Odin. Nothing to write home about there but i trust his performance will eclipse his costume.

Anonymous said...

After seeing this I don't think marvel will have to worry about movie competition

Sarge said...

I'm not hating it. Is it kosher "Hal"? No. But it's a believable Green Lantern costume. Given that even Hal's version has changed over the years, and every new GL has their own variation on the theme (Guy's had a rolled over turtleneck and lapelled vest, Kyle's had a funky 3d build-up mask etc). Not sure what everyone's saying about cg. Granted there's a bit of 'shopping in most ad images to make em look glossier, but this costume is entirely doable as a practical. Spidey's suit was a practical, as was Iron Man (though each made cg appearances throughout the films in situations where it would be awkward or difficult to use a live actor).

What I've always been curious about (and I've worked on the inside for almost 2 decades) is the decision to redesign the costumes for the movies in the first place. The Batsuit has literally been redesigned every frickkin time. Even Superman, where they really couldn't get away with doing any major changes because Superman is such an iconic design, they still had to make the belt curvy, make the chest emblem three dimensional, and add a cell-pattern to the blue areas. Why make the GL suit look like armor: the armoring comes from the ring? Unless it's just designers having to look like they're doing SOMETHING in the process.

Sarge said...

I meant the movie poster version, not the obvious artist's rendering on the EW cover (you can see his pores in the mask which is obviously painted on.

I'm moderately looking forward to it - moreso than Thor at least. I like the design work they've done, but I'm not holding my breath.

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