Friday, July 16, 2010

Gail Simone On Her Approach to Writing Wonder Woman

Gail Simone on how she approached writing Wonder Woman and the pitfalls of so many different writers with different takes on the character.  Via an interview with Suicide Girls.  It's a great interview and I highly recommend reading it, but feel free to discuss the above quote or Wonder Woman in general.

In Pullquotes, we present a quote and related imagery to provide a source of discussion and/or thought among our readers. Feel free to comment on the above image.

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Maxy Barnard said...

This is what I like to hear from her, as she's one of only three people who've made me show a genuine interest in Wonder Woman. It had its flaws but it felt solid, like her run was grounded in something, rather than tearing her history down and starting again.

(for those playing along at home the other two runs I like are Allen Heinberg's 'Who is Wonder Woman' and the absolute classic 'Diana Prince: Wonder Woman' material from long ago)

Anonymous said...

Way to pick a picture to go along with the quote, Kirk. I see what you did there.

Hisham said...

I felt that Rucka's run was very good as well.. Including the killing of Maxwell Lord.

Matt Duarte said...

Of course, this scene has now been retcon punched.

In the new version, the footage shows Diana (with a jacket and pants) just cracked her knuckles in a really loud way, annoying both Superman and Batman.

Eric Rupe said...

So......she's using the Grant Morrison approach to writing superheroes? =P

Kirk Warren said...

@twobit - ahah, I just assumed she was making a joke about that, which is why I went with that image.

Re: the quote, I think she accomplished her goal. it felt like she built upon what came before adn drew on a lot of the past work while still doing her own thing. She didnt make braod sweeping changes or apply retcon upon retcon to her work. Was it all good? I gave up aroudn the Olympian arc, but those early ones with the Circle and then the Beowolf issues were great.

Anonymous said...

And then came JMS, and all of that continuity, those neck-breaking retcons Simone took issue with, none of them ever happened, because it none of Wonder Woman's rich and complex history ever really happened. Her entire character and origin are now Superman+Vagina.

It really is a problem that not enough people respect the character when she is a unique and good enough character to warrant it, regardless what JMS may think.

Kirk Warren said...

JMS isnt really throwing it all away. He wanted a fresh slate to tell a story and did it through an alternate timeline/magic based story that will likely finish where it started with her back to normal in the DCU.

Brian Dickey said...

Wow, Superman plus vagina. I may have to steal that from you Mister Anonymous ;)

Joking aside though, to be honest, there's a good chance I may dig on JMS' run. Caught the ten page preview when it came out and boy did that joint grab me. First four, five pages just grabbed me, felt frantic and fast paced like a Bourne movie. Anyways, we all now this time-traveling, retconning stuff with be mostly done with inside of a year and possibly we can have a fanlad pleasing, fully clothed Diana. Cause heck, I enjoy the new costume. Grant Morrison taught us when I was a kid that jackets are hot stuff, Nineties hate be damned.

Ivan said...

"Grant Morrison taught us when I was a kid that jackets are hot stuff, Nineties hate be damned."

Yes. To this day, Animal Man is still the hero that sports the best "jacket look" in comics.

Ian @ Trade Reading Order said...

lets just spoil everything why don't we.

I don't know why people have been so free with this one! ah well.. what I get for reading comics in trade a couple months after they come out.

Kirk Warren said...

Huh? Spoil what? The image is from like 2005. Im not seeing any other spoilers in the comments. Did I miss something here?

IADW said...

I think JMS's story could work out. They'll return to the heavily trademarked solid gold bustier look sooner or later, but for now I'm looking forward to the story in between.

Anonymous said...

@Kirk: Simone's run ended pretty well, though probably not as well as it started. That said, her take on Wonder Woman was strong all throughout even if her plot wavered in the Rise of the Olympian arc.

I love that she didn't ignore continuity and tried to be as consistent with the previous runs as possible, showed a lot of respect for the character and the previous writers.

I'm looking forward to JMS' run; maybe a fresh start is what WW needs to gain sales, and his WW prologue was stronger than his Superman prologue (and I enjoyed both)

Anonymous said...

okay, i only got the first three trades of simone's run but those were just incredible boring and every story centered around some villain wanting to destroy diana...seriously, she's no longer a superhero, she's just extremely unpopular

Anonymous said...

Gayle sucks. Seriously isn't Secret Six going to be cancelled? You can't buy a new subscription for it on the official DC site for the monthly publications.

Just look here:

Kirk Warren said...

Im pretty sure that isnt the official DC subscription service as it only covers a handful of books and isnt a DC website. And Secret Six isn't in danger of being cancelled yet. Considering Secret Six is regarded as one of the best comics from Marve or DC being published and subject ot a lot of critical praise, Im not sure how you can arrive at a conclusion that "Gayle" sucks. You may not like the book, but that has nothign to do with her as a person.

Anonymous said...

That URL above is not for the official DC site. I'm not clicking it.

Chad said...

Wow, Kirk, I have lost all respect for you. Censoring when people talk bad about you, how cowardly.

Matt Duarte said...

@Chad: Censorship would be if we deleted comments that disagreed with our opinions, which is something we never as long as people are respectful about it. You weren't. You just called Kirk a "pussy", for something extremely trivial. We do not tolerate blatant insults like that, and if you do it again, you can be certain we'll delete it again.

Chad said...

I never called him a pussy. I said he sucks for alwasy defending against any comment made that he disagrees with. This is my opinion and you are welcome to disagree with it, just don't hide from it.

Kirk Warren said...

And you are a pathetic manchild with internet privledges. That's my opinion, so I'm allowed to say it. Or that's your logic anyways.

And engaging in conversation with people kind enough to post in a civilized manner, unlike yourself of course, is not 'defending against any comment I disagree with'. It's called open discourse. When you grow up, you'll find this kind of dialogue is how most grown ups exchange ideas and opinions.

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