Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cover of the Week - Thanos Imperative & Superman

Ryan Lindsay and I sit down and take a look at our picks for Cover of The Week. Hit the jump to see each choice and find out why we chose them.

Ryan L's Cover of the Week - The Thanos Imperative #2 by Aleksi Briclot

Ryan L.: I'm not the world's biggest Nova fan, it's true. I haven't read his ongoing, couldn't tell you much about his history, and am doing all my learning through Brubaker's Secret Avengers. I can see his appeal, but he hasn't grabbed me, until this cover. I love that Briclot has been able to show me the power that Nova so obviously personifies. He's presenting me with a bad ass space cop and I really dig the vibe of this piece. The fact that he even gets to stand in front of heave hitters like the Silver Surfer and Gladiator says a lot. This cover is my pick for this week because it finally shows me something that people have been seeing for a while. Nova is pretty damn sweet.

Kirk's Cover of the Week - Superman #701 by John Cassaday

Kirk:  I do believe this cover qualifies for iconic status.  DC was quite bold in not including the trade dress for this issue, which I think added a great deal to the impact of the cover. 

Runner-Ups: Gorilla-Man #1, Amazing Spider-Man #637 & Batgirl #12

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Brandon Whaley said...

There are only two characters that I count worthy to stand alongside the Silver Surfer: Thanos and Nova. Nova has recently really grabbed me, partially thanks to DnA Nova trades but mostly from Marv Wolfman's excellent 70s Nova. I hope, Ryan, that Secret Avengers does him justice so that you can see just how awesome he is.

Its too bad that the interior of Superman #701 doesn't match that cover. What an excellent and bold image.

MisterSmith said...

"I'm not the world's biggest Nova fan, it's true. I haven't read his ongoing, couldn't tell you much about his history, and am doing all my learning through Brubaker's Secret Avengers."

Well it looks like we're all just going to have to sit here, tap our collective feet impatiently and wait until you catch up. :p

mrpeepants said...

does that mean you don't read any marvel cosmic?? the marvel cosmic verse as a whole is great.

Nuv said...

I can't wait for Van Lente's 'Cosmic' Avengers series!

I really liked parts of 'Grounded.' Superman as 'walk-the-earth-philosopher' is an interesting concept. And certain parts of this definitely harkened back to the 'Social Avenger' Superman that used to hang wife-beaters off of telephone poles and stuff way back in the first few issues of Action Comics. It's too bad about the not so hot parts though. Morrison already (and more efficiently/effectively) did the 'save the suicide girl' bit. And Superman lighting drugs (things that get people high, often when lit on fire and ingested) on fire is just idiotic.

Still, there is potential there, as long as every issue isn't exactly the same.

And the covers are going to be amazing, at least! John Cassaday rules!

Ryan K Lindsay said...

@MisterSmith & @mrpeepants: yeah, guys, I haven't read any Marvel Cosmic stuff before, sorry. I love Marvel, but I don't read all off their titles, I have a few characters I follow and I try to keep a pretty independent bent to my months as well.

I'm well behind the eight ball on Cosmic titles, but will hopefully, one day, maybe, slowly catch up.

I-VAN the CRIPPLER said...

@ Ryan: just read Annihilation....ull be hooked..i know i was...

Brandon Whaley said...

I-VAN is right. I gave up on Marvel completely after One More Day. Annihilation is the reason I came back.

I-VAN the CRIPPLER said...

the thing abt Annihilation was that it really made us care abt the characters and gave them real personalities....i had no idea that ronan, supper skrull,galactus or drax cud be so interestin.....and before this i didnt even know who NOVA was....but annihilation changed all that...

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am definitely glad to find this. great job!

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