Sunday, July 25, 2010

Comic-Con Day 3 News Round-Up

Day 3 of Comic-Con could be described as movie day with how many announcements were made related to movies.  Hit the jump for all the news you may have missed.

Weekly Crisis SDCC'10 Coverage So Far

CrossGen Returns

As mentioned in our own quick report yesterday, the Cup O'Joe panel revealed that Marvel will be bringing back the CrossGen Universe at some point in 2011.  There was only a quick trailer showing the distinctive CrossGen sigil warping into a newer version with the 2011 date in the corner.  Nothing else has been said and no other details were given, but this is easily the news of the convention for me.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I loved the CrossGen Universe and lament its ending every chance I get.  Marvel has lots of former CrossGen talent under contract or with working relationships with them, so the only thing I can do is sit and wait for them to tell me just what their plans are for the properties, many of which ended abruptly and could use a proper conclusion. 

Avengers Movie

Lots of news from the con about the Avengers movie.  Joss Whedon was confirmed as the director earlier in the con.   Hawkeye is in the film and the actor playing him was revealed as Jeremy Renner.  The news of Ed Norton getting booted from the project was all the rage in the weeks leading up to the con, but Marvel went ahead and revealed the new Bruce Banner actor in the form of Mark Ruffalo

Finally, the Avengers logo was revealed (shown above) for the film.  I hope it's not going to be black like the image shown.  Where's the classic gold?  Also, Ant-Man was confirmed by Whedon as not being in the film.

For those wondering, the official cast is:
  • Iron Man – Robert Downey, Jr.
  • Nick Fury – Sam Jackson
  • Black Widow – Scarlett Johansson
  • Thor – Chris Hemsworth
  • Captain America – Chris Evans
  • Hawkeye – Jeremy Renner
  • Bruce Banner – Mark Ruffalo
  • Director – Joss Whedon

Captain America Movie

The Captain America movie got a lot of love with fans after a short glimpse of the movie was shown.  Bleeding Cool has a fan report on the scene that mentions various Thor related ties and confirmation of the Cosmic Cube.

Green Lantern Movie

Lots of discussion about the Green Lantern movie as a short video was shown of it.  Comics Alliance has some fan reactions to the footage and DC has released the official logo for the film, which is surprisingly dark, just like the Avengers one, for some reason.  There's also a CGI cartoon coming to television for Green Lantern in the near future.

Finally, Abin Sur's corpse was shown.  His pinkish red body looks like the recent Green Lantern costume reveal with the musculature look. 

A Contract With God Optioned for Film

There was a press release telling everyone Will Eisner's A Contract With God was optioned for a film yesterday. A Contract With God is the first comic to go by the term, "graphic novel", and was actually a series of four short stories - "A Contract With God", "The Super", "The Street Singer", and "Cookalein".  Each is being adapted into a film that will be written by Darren Dean and each of the four parts will have a different director: Alex Rivera, Tze Chun, Barry Jenkins and Sean Baker.

DCU Online Trailer

The upcoming MMO from DC, simply titled DC Universe Online, was shown and looks pretty damn impressive.  I've sworn off MMOs completely after kicking the WoW habit, so I'll be passing on this one personally, but it's definitely tempting. Poor Giganta.  (Via Game Trailers)

All Star Superman Animated Movie

Another major announcement from DC was the revelation that All Star Superman will be getting an animated feature.  No details were give about the project, but I'm curious how Frank Quitely's art will translate to animation or if they will simply go with a Bruce Timm style. 

Immortal Sergeant from Joe Kelly & J. M. Ken Nimura

I Kill Giants was one of the best comics I've had the pleasure of reading.  When Image announced that Kelly and Nimura were teaming up for another project, Immortal Sergeant, I was floored.  It was described as a "combination of drama and comedy, the story will focus on a father-son relationship, with Kelly adding, "The main character (the son) is me." He also promised there would be more "Four Eyes" soon."  Can't wait to find out more about this project.

Chloe Sullivan to Join the DC Universe

After stating there would be no crossing over of the DCU and Smallville, it was announced yesterday that Chloe Sullivan, the Smallville original character, would be showing up in the upcoming Jimmy Olsen back-ups featured in Action Comics.  I liked Chloe (shut up, I'm allowed to like and watch Smallville!) and she's been hinted at in Johns's Superman: Secret Origin (she signed one character's cast, though wasn't actually shown on panel), so I'm more than happy to see her brought into the actual DCU - provided we have a good story justification and introduction planned.  If she's a long lost Smallville friend of Clark's, that's a little much.

Marvelman Non-News

At the Cup O'Joe panel, Joe Quesada discussed Marvelman, or the lackthereof.
Quesada was asked if there were plans for more Marvelman stories after the current reprints of '50s UK superhero comics – partcularly the fabled Alan Moore/Neil Gaiman material. "Right now, it's all about [original creator] Mick [Anglo]...and one of the things he's most excited about is seeing his early work back out there," Quesada said before adding "But there's more Marvelman coming. Stay tuned."
I've been "staying tuned" for a year now.  The con isn't over yet, but damn if it isn't looking bleak for new or Moore/Gaiman related Marvelman.

That's it for Day 3 news from me.  Did I miss anything noteworthy?   What did you think of Day 3?  What was your favourite announcement?  Let us know in the comments below!

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Ryan K Lindsay said...

No Ant-Man, and no Wasp either, I guess. Yet they want Hawkeye, that's interesting. Wonder what the reason for that was? I read on another site that Nathan Fillion had been confirmed by Whedon as Hank Pym, ha, dreamers.

And, wow, Thor really towers over Cap in that cast pic. Nice.

Jarmir said...

Bad Marvel! Why did you took out Ed Norton as Bruce Banner?? Because of money?? So where is the continuity now?? BAD MARVEL!!! BAD!!

Ed this a wonderful job in the last movie, why recast him now? *sigh* Hope Marvel knows what it is doing, i want another Hulk movie darn it!

MC Nedelsky said...

There's a good video of Fillion saying there's no way he could do even if he wanted to, due to Castle obligations. That, and Pym wouldn't be his first choice - he wanted to reboot some random thing I've never heard of.

I'm also assuming no Wasp, and that any Longoria/Wasp rumours would be related to the Wright ant-man film with a maybe Adrian Broody?

But is the final, definitive cast? Has that been confirmed, or are there possibilities of more people?

Kirk Warren said...

@Ryan - I think people took it out of context. Whedon was saying that was a joke about Fillion in one panel or interview.

@Jarmir - This is hearsay, so take it with a grain of salt, but I was under the impression Norton burned a lot of bridges with his behaviour on the set of the previous Hulk movie. I dont think it was money related and continuity doesnt factor in when he's already changed from the first to second movie.

Naymlap said...

No Kirk, you're not allowed to like Smallville. You have to watch it in secret and deny it to everyone you know, no matter how awesome Doomsday or the JSA episodes were.

Daryll B. said...

Kirk, screw Smallville... can we get a Serinda Swan as Zatanna series?? Lol they showed "Warrior" this week in NYC and that scene with her and Clark in the storeroom...WOWSERS! I would be like.."Lois...who???" after that kiss.

A lot of great comic related news coming out of San Diego this year..I am crossing my fingers that 80% of these come to fruition...

Steven said...

Yeah Joe, cause that's what we've all been waiting years for, reprints of Mick Anglo doing a mediocre Shazam knock-off.

Seriously, people want two things. All those who've never had the chance to read the Miracleman stuff want that stuff collected. And everyone that did read the book wants the, already pretty much completed for years, stuff by Gaiman and Buckingham to just be released.

I am sure this is all is just part of what they had to agree to to get the rights all fixed. But, c'mon, put out a couple nice hardcover collection of this old stuff and get on with finishing book people actually want to spend money on.

Anonymous said...

Kirk, you should make a post about the stuff from the Spidey Panel. I heard it was awesome, what with future storylines (Richards' lab assistant, impact webbing) in ASM and Ben Reilly in Shattered Dimensions.

Also, I heard somewhere that, as far as Marvel is concerned, the first Hulk movie and the Fantastic Four films are not part of the continuity they are setting up. People weren't so much upset with the change from Eric Bana to Edward Norton because, for all intents and purposes, the first Hulk movie "doesn't count." Since The Incredible Hulk is part of that continuity, the fans are raging.

This is also how Marvel explains the casting of Chris Evans as Captain America, because the FF films "don't count."

Ivan said...

Oh man, screw Smallville.

Eric Rupe said...


Seriously though, it's a horrible show. I've only seen the JSA two-parter and it was some of the worst TV I've ever watched. I honestly have no idea how the show has lasted 10 seasons.

Kirk Warren said...

The first few seasons were pretty good. It has its moments and is kind of just continuing based on momentum built from those earlier years I think.

Anonymous said...

Hey, now. Smallville is still pretty good. Of course, if they only thing you watched was the JSA two-parter, then you are not fully getting the show is all about (Smallville normally stays away from costumed superheroism).

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