Saturday, July 24, 2010

Comic-Con Day 2 News Round-Up

Comic-Con continues to roll on and Day 2 had a lot more news than Day 1.  DC came back in a big way from the lackluster opening and Marvel continued with a solid outing in their panels.  Hit the jump for a quick run down of what you may have missed.

Weekly Crisis SDCC'10 Coverage So Far

Hail to the King, Baby

Robot 6 made me aware of this amazing photo from featuring Stan Lee sitting on Odin's throne from the upcoming Thor movie.  It is easily the moment of the con for me.  It fits Stan Lee's character to a tee and just brings a smile to my face every time I see it.

Thor's Helmet

Speaking of the Thor movie, Marvel posted the above shot of Thor, Loki and Odin's helmets from the upcoming movie.  Many were concerned about Loki's lack of horns or Thor's helmet in previous movie shots shown, so this should help dispel any fears.  I'm kind of hoping they have replicas of these on sale at some point.  They all look amazing.

Grant Morrison's Batman, Inc. & Batman in General

Batman, Inc. was announced at DC's Batman - The Return panel.  We had a pullquote from an interview with Grant Morrison and IGN Comics yesterday where some discussion broke out about the newly announced title, which launches out of the Return of Bruce Wayne.  

If you missed that pullquote, Morrison described the book as, "Batman Inc. is Brave and the Bold meets Just Cause or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare! That's my pitch! Throw in a dash of Mission Impossible and a pinch of The Magic Christian and it's nearly there."  I don't know about you, but it sounds like a tonne of fun to me and I'm pretty excited about the prospect of the book.  

Batman, Inc. wasn't the only news out of that panel.  Paul Cornell sounds like he's having a lot of fun working on the Knight & Squire miniseries.  He spoke briefly about the first issue and had this to say about the book:
"Cornell joked that he plans on introducing at least 100 new villains in the "Knight & Squire" series. "We managed 50 in the first issue alone. This is a plot to kill the editors of DC through sheer hard work," he laughed. He added that his first arc featured Richard III brought back to life as a clone with an army of monarchs who try to re-conquer the world through Facebook. "That's what I'm doing right now."
Looks like another book that I'm going to have to add to the pull list.  

Finally, there's also a little hope for us Cassandra Cain Batgirl fans with the Batman family editor, Mike Marts answering a fan question regarding Cain by saying we'll likely see her sometime in November.  Hopefully she isn't a bad guy again.

Generation Hope

Marvel posted teasers, as shown above, of A New Generation of Hope a few weeks ago and it became apparent that the new mutants discovered at the end of Second Coming - caused by Hope apparently - would be getting their own book in the near future. 

At the X-Panel yesterday, it was announced that book was to be called Generation Hope and that the writer would be Kieron Gillen, of Phonogram, Beta Ray Bill: Godhunter, Thor, Dark Avengers: Ares and S.W.O.R.D. fame.  If you've been following the blog for any length of time, you'll probably recognize all of those titles as books we've all enjoyed a great deal and many of which were given Must Read ratings at one point or another. 

CBR later caught up with Gillen for an interview in which he described the premise of the book as, "Something strange is going on. Things are not right. The process that caused mutants to develop is slightly out of wack. The 'machinery' isn't making mutants as they should be. When they activate they become both a danger to themselves and a danger to the world. Basically there's something mysteriously wrong with these mutants and the X-Men are hoping they can stabilise them – and find the method to do that."

Horrible Greg Land promo art aside, I'm now quite excited about this book, of which no artist has been attached as of yet, and you can expect me to at least try out the first few issues of this when it finally hits.

Flash: Speed Force

While the tone of the DC Nation: Special Edition panel was a lot better than the Day 1 version and there weren't many huge announcements, it was still a fun read and sounds like it would have been a blast to attend based on the transcripts.  One tidbit that did come out was Geoff Johns announcing a Flash: Speed Force title, which would feature the other scarlet speedsters not named Barry Allen.  Kelson has some speculation on the book's premise and the possibility of it launching out of Flashpoint, the upcoming Flash event, over at

Marvel vs Capcom 3 Roster Updates

I've had a few things to say about Marvel vs Capcom 3, the upcoming fighter crossover from Street Fighter creator, Capcom.  Comic-Con seemed like as good a time as any for Capcom and Marvel to announce more of the roster for the game, which already featured the likes of Hulk, Deadpool and Captain America.  

Newest officially announced members include Thor, Dr Droom and the Super Skrull from Marvel and Amaterasu (Okami), Trish (Devil May Cry) and Chun-Li (Street Fighter) from Capcom. 

Kotaku has some screenshots of the new characters for those interested.

Action Comics & Secret Six Crossover?

The Superman panel didn't have too much to offer.  JMS spent most of the time firing back at criticisms against his Grounded arc and other announcements were previously known, such as details about Bizarro Girl in Supergirl.  

The only noteworthy one to me was Paul Cornell announcing that the Secret Six would crossover with Action Comics.  It's unknown if they would be one of the recurring villains that are set to show up in the book each month, like Mister Mind and Gorilla Grodd, or if it would be a full blown crossover between the two titles.  I'm just happy to hear DC is at least trying to introduce more people to Secret Six in one of their higher profile books like this.

Young Justice Trades

We showed you the first glimpse of the Young Justice cartoon yesterday (I lumped it in with the Day 1 coverage, despite it just going up on YouTube from WB at the time), but I didn't dare bring up the possibility of trades for fear of jinxing it.  I thought it would make sense to have them put out with a new cartoon seeing as the current books featuring these characters are filled with cat wielding murderers, but DC has continuously stated at every con they would not reprint the material.  Yesterday changed that with Dan DiDio saying, "DC would begin reprinting some "Young Justice" material in October".  Best con ever or BEST con ever?

Avengers Word Search - Red Hulk Joins the Avengers

We posted the above Avengers Word Search last week with our speculation on who would join the team.  In the Avengers panel, it turns out to be the Red Hulk.  Yeahbutwha-?

That's it for Day 2 news from me.  Did I miss anything noteworthy?   I know there were several movie and television related projects, such as The Walking Dead, but no video posted to my knowledge, so not much left to say other than how jealous I am of those that say it.  What did you think of Day 2?  What was your favourite announcement?  Let us know in the comments below!

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Jarmir said...

Wow! Now I´m even more pumped to go see the Thor Movie.

an that pciture of Stan? Priceless! I really like how he is trying looking all mean and angry:D

Radlum said...

Is that Jim Lee cosplaying (badly) as Darkseid next to Grant Morrison?

Anonymous said...

Kirk Warren said...

@Radlum - they invited a fan up that was dressed as Darkseid.

Kirk Warren said...

@Anonymous #3 - Wow, thanks, I checked YouTube earlier, but couldn't find it. Looks amazing.

Klep said...

Goddamnit I hate Red Hulk. >:(

MisterSmith said...

Dormammu is looking like a safe bet because Capcom released a promo shirt drawn by Jim Rugg with what looks like him fighting Capcom's Viewtiful Joe.

The rest of those characters mentioned from Daredevil on are characters confirmed NOT to appear in the game. I believe Kotaku did a podcast with one of the producers and confirmed that there.

Kirk Warren said...

@Mister Smith - Crap, I misread the absent part. I'll update the report.

Rocker69 said...

Do we really need another X-book? Jesus...

And I just wished Marvel would get rid of the Red Hulk and pretend it never happened.

Jacob said...

Putting Red Hulk in the Avengers book guarantees I won't be getting it anymore. I did need to weed out an Avengers title thanks Marvel you picked it for me.

Ryan K Lindsay said...

Ah, I knew they'd be announcing Kieron Gillen on an ongoing this week (they'd be dumb not to) but it's an X book. I'm seriously torn, though the premise does sound pretty good and relatively standalone. A stack of teen mutants from various countries; mayhem ensues. I
ll most likely try this out at the start anyway, Gillen can write cosmic, godly, funny, musical, maybe he can nail this too. Can't wait to see who the artist is so their work can promo instead of those Land pics, ugh.

onefinemess said...

@Ryan K: Yeah, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hope that Land isn't on the actual book. Because if he isn't, I'll buy it. If he is, I'll just be happy that he's not ruining Uncanny anymore and leave it alone.

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