Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tom Brevoort on Steve Rogers

When a fan asked Tom Brevoort on Formspring, if he would support Steve Rogers NEVER being Captain America again, he had this to say. I think we all knew this would be coming sooner or later, particularly with the Cap movie in the works, but this kind of feels like the unofficial confirmation.

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grifter said...

so, Bucky Barnes was revived to die at the hands of Baron Zemo?

Anonymous said...

I really hope no one is surprised by this.

Both Marvel and DC refuse to move forward, because they are convinced that their fanbase doesn't want it.

Ivan said...

Meh, just stating the obvious, really. Like saying Bruce Wayne will eventually be Batman again.

Kirk Warren said...

I was hoping Bucky would be Cap for the next few years. He may end up as it, but the minute Cap Reborn was announced, it was like they lost all faith in Bucky and pull the rug out from under him midstride. Comics are cyclical, so I expected Cap to return some day.

I am enjoying Cap as the new Nick Fury though, so hopefully they keep him around in that role for a bit. With a movie int he works, I highly doubt it will stick though. They'll probably swap jobs since Bucky has been built up more as the black ops/get hands dirty type with Brubaker's fleshing out of his backstory and the Winter Soldier stuff.

Radlum said...

Being Captain America is more than just wearing a costume and leading the Avengers, but I think that as long as Bucky isn't killed just to get Steve back as CA, I don't mind either of them in that role.

Steven said...

Steve Rogers was ALWAYS going to go back to being Captain America eventually. He only stayed dead as long as he did because tptb at Marvel decided to work it into their event schedule. Brubaker's original plan was to bring him back almost immediately.

Ryan K Lindsay said...

I really want Bucky to stay on as Cap but most people think with the movie coming up that this isn't likely to happen. I feel that this is most likely right, sadly.

If Bucky takes over the secret Avengers, at least, then I'll be happy. I find Bucky such a more interesting character.

Wez said...

Not trying to repeat what everyone else has been saying(but I will anyway) but we all knew Steve would eventually become Cap again but its rather the journey to how he becomes Cap again that keeps us reading still.
In the meantime I think where Cap and Steve are at the moment is the time for the more creative type of writing where they would deal with issues that might not necessarily come up if Steve was still Cap or Bucky was Winter Soldier.

If we all know Steve will return to being Captain America does that mean Bucky would eventually revert back to the Winter Soldier?

nf said...

Steve will be Captain America next year when the movie hits. Undoubtedly.

Rocker69 said...

In comics everything always goes back to the original status quo. I thought for a while, years ago, that Kyle Rayner would remain the new Green Lantern...but even that didn't last forever.

Of course Steve will go back to being Captain America. Let's just hope that Marvel tells that story in the best possible way.

Michael Edwards said...

I'm sure Marvel will. Ed Brubaker is writing Cap, and he's the best Cap writer in a long time!

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