Monday, June 21, 2010

JT Krul's on his "Green Arrow: Rebirth"

J.T. Krul, the current writer of Green Arrow and Rise of Arsenal, on how he views his current work as being akin to Green Lantern: Rebirth for the Green Arrow franchise, via an interview on Comic Book Resources.

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Anonymous said...

"Rebirth"? It was plain murder. JT Krul killed Green Arrow and Roy Harper in cold blood for cheap shock factor

Anonymous said...

I think JT Krul is getting unfairly bad rep. I understand that the last few issues have been really dark, but that's the place Roy and Ollie are in right now. I don't think he's writing these things to be shocking for the sake of being shocking a la Millar. Both men suffered a shared traumatic Roy is having a break down and falling into his worst habits and Ollie is letting his anger and isolation define him. They actions aren't heroic but they are human reactions. Most people, this poster included, tend to be drawn to the darkest parts of themselves after something tragic happens. I'm interested is seeing how they recover from Lian's death and how they face they obstacles they need to in order to reconcile with their families.

Matt Duarte said...

In Trul's defense, he didn't mention Rise of Arsenal, which so far has earned most of the share of the hate.

I guess, in his analogy, that would make Rise of Arsenal the Green Arrow Corps: Recharge to Rebirth.

Maxy Barnard said...

Ya know, i think it's unfair that people put all this on Krul. He's been nothing but a great writer outside of this, and he even hits these horrible horrible beats with precision and skill (save rise of arsenal).

In fact as far as Green Arrow goes it's been written pretty okay, as a sort of lead-in to the second half of this arc with the new series.

... Though saying that I'm not going to be buying it.

Steven said...

@Flip The Page - Nothing but a great writer outside of this?!?!?

What good writing has he done? A couple of mediocre issues of Teen Titans? Please, please don't tell me you are considering his Aspen work as great. Cause that's it, a few issues of Teen Titans, the Green Arrow stuff, and the awful crap that he wrote for Aspen. That is the sum total of his output.

So where is the great writing he has done?

Don 'Conrad Post' Winslow said...

I'm not convinced that Krul is a great writer, either. Or good, for that matter.

His Blackest Night Titans wasn't good, Green Arrow was awful. This Arsenal stuff is bad. Down right bad.

There's a difference between writing a "dark" story and a bad one. Based on the preview of GA #1, it's stll a bad story.

And heroin isn't a hallucinogen. Maybe he was tripping acid at the same time.

Anonymous said...

ugh, his work with Ollie and Roy just makes me groan. I'm sorry, I just don't like it.

Maxy Barnard said...

@steven man, haters gonna hate. your mileage may vary but I enjoyed the little bits he did on X-Men Unlimited & Spider-Man Unlimited, that one issue of Red sonja, the two issues of JSA Classified, his Highlander mini and yes, Blackest Night: Titans. In fact especially the latter, which made me notice Dove in a big way.

I mean sure, he hasn't done much, but I've loved what I've read of his. But hey, if you wanna tell me my subjective opinion is wrong ('cause that's how an opinion works ya see, they're apparently such things that can be 'wrong') then feel free too. I'm just saying, I think he's been great.

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