Friday, June 11, 2010

Ian Sattler on Brightest Day

During the DC Nation panel at HeroesCon, editor Ian Sattler commented on the reader perception about some of the themes and content of DC's twice monthly series, Brightest Day.

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Unknown said...

This is a joke, right?

Unknown said...

I remember Geoff Johns saying something to this effect a while ago as well. And given that, it kind of irks me when I see people complain about the violence in Titans, which sports a Brightest Day banner. Things will probably end on happier note than they appear now, but that doesn't mean the road there can't be littered with violence. I for one am glad that the Brightest Day books aren't all peachy.

Maxy Barnard said...

he's got us there. doesn't change how fucking horrible it is to have such stuff in the main event title for an entire company

Kirk Warren said...

@p.golowatschew - On Sattler's part or ours? This was a quote from last weekend's Heroes Con panel. With the recent discussions on Brightest Day and excessive violence, we thought it would make an interesting conversation starter/means of discussion.

DoctorMarmalade said...

I am not reading brightest day, and I have no regrets.

Brandon Whaley said...

I dropped this title at issue #2 and I haven't missed it. Its just gore-porn, and if the story was interesting I could overlook it, but at this pace its a bust.

Kirk Warren said...

I wouldnt go asfar as to say goreporn. It's had a few odd choices of excessive violence, but it's doing its job as the 'backbone of the DC universe'. It's very similar to Countdown in that regard, but much higher production values and at least readable in comparison.

Kevin said...

On the one hand, I suppose DC might have expected us to keep in mind the source of the Brightest Day banner title, namely the Green Lantern oath: "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight...", etc. The point there is that there is evil to be vanquished in BOTH blackest night and brightest day, so to leave depictions of evil out would be contrary to the source and succeed only in sucking out a lot of the conflict necessary to propel the story.

On the other hand, I still think it was a perfectly understandable inference to expect that Brightest Day might focus on brighter, lighter stories as a counterpoint to what seemed like an especially grimdark heavy event like Blackest Night... Especially since all the keeping in mind stuff I just mentioned sounds like a goddamn homework assignment.

So Sattler is right that they never told us it'd be all rainbows and unicorns, and to expect such wasn't warranted... But neither did they counter what seems like the obvious inference to draw from their chosen branding and say the Brightest Day books would be more of the same.

Ivan said...

They did say Brightest Day woudn't be all fun and games before it began. Plus, I don't think BD is all that more violent than the typical mainstream superhero comic these days. The bird's death, for example, I don't think was a bid deal at all.

Jeremy said...

I remember picking up the first Brightest Day issue, just reading in the store. "Can't be as gory and stupid as Blackest Night" I said. In the first few pages, I got to see a bird repeatedly smash its head in. I put it back and sworn off Geoff Johns AGAIN.

Radlum said...

I never expected Brightest Day to be "happier"; the title is misleading but expecting bright happy stories from it is not exactly what has made the whole "event" as bad as it is.

Steven said...

Anyone who considers something that has been published by one of the big two to be gore-porn has obviously never seen any.

Go pick up a back issue of Faust or anything else by Tim vigil. Purchase something published by Avatar during it's first few years of existence. Nothing even comes close.

I believe Mr. Sattler and the rest should take a serious look at the reaction from their readers. I believe this pretty much shows that people are looking for something less bleak and violent. Maybe people are ready for hopeful stories filled with wonder as opposed to the bleak nihilistic crap we've been being fed more and more heavily in the last decade.

I am far more of a DC fan than Marvel, but so far at least The Heroic Age seems to be going in a more positive direction than Brightest Day.

Brandon Whaley said...

So goreporn was a bad term to use. Softcore goreporn? Either way, its gore for gore's sake, it adds nothing to the story. Its there to say "Look how bad things are!" Soory, you've desensitized me to how bad things are to the point where I just don't give a crap anymore.

I don't mind violence in comics. I really don't. But put it there to further a story, not to say "Things are bad, guys, gee whiz!"

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anybody remember when 'comics' meant 'fun'?

Jeremy said...

Shawn: Hey kids, COMICS!

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